Образец цитирования:
В. Г. Вакс, В. И. Зиненко, В. Е. Шнейдер, “Микроскопические теории структурных фазовых переходов типа порядок-беспорядок в кристаллах”, УФН, 141:4 (1983), 629–673; Phys. Usp., 26:12 (1983), 1059–1086
Olga D. Novik, Inna A. Malyshkina, Nadezhda D. Gavrilova, “A network of hydrogen bonds in the lattice of heavy atoms of single crystals of the KDP group: quantum nature of dipole interactions”, Ferroelectrics, 606:1 (2023), 39
M.G. Kostenko, A.I. Gusev, A.V. Lukoyanov, “Theoretical study of the M7X6 type of vacancy ordered phases in nonstoichiometric hafnium and tantalum carbides”, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 110 (2023), 106005
M. G. Kostenko, S. I. Sadovnikov, A. I. Gusev, “M5C4 Phases—New Family of Carbide Superstructures”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 131:4 (2020), 572
K.V. Lamonova, S.M. Orel, Pashkevich Yu.G., Modified Crystal Field Theory and its Applications, 2019
О. Ю. Мазур, Л. И. Стефанович, “Влияние глубины переохлаждения на релаксацию доменной структуры триглицинсульфата”, Физика твердого тела, 61:8 (2019), 1474–1479; O. Yu. Mazur, L. I. Stefanovich, “Effect of the degree of overcooling on relaxation of the domain structure of triglycine sulphate”, Phys. Solid State, 61:8 (2019), 1420–1424
A. I. Gusev, A. M. Bel'kov, T. D. Vyrodova, A. S. Kurlov, “Sequence of transformations during ordering of nonstoichiometric compounds with the formation of M 3 X 2-type superstructures”, Phys. Solid State, 56:10 (2014), 2092
Olga Semenova, Regina Krachler, “A Statistical‐Thermodynamic Modeling of Ordering Phenomena in Binary Intermetallic B2‐ and L12‐Structures”, Adv Eng Mater, 14:10 (2012), 881
V. A. Abalmassov, A. M. Pugachev, N. V. Surovtsev, “Dielectric susceptibility of a deuterated KDP crystal from experiment on Raman scattering and in the cluster approximation”, Phys. Solid State, 53:7 (2011), 1371
S. P. Dolin, A. A. Levin, T. Yu. Mikhailova, M. V. Solin, N. V. Zinova, “Quantum‐chemical modeling of squaric acid ferroelectric behavior”, Int J of Quantum Chemistry, 111:11 (2011), 2671
P. N. Timonin, “Spin ice in a field: Quasi-phases and pseudo-transitions”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 113:2 (2011), 251
А. И. Гусев, “Последовательность превращений беспорядок-порядок и порядок-порядок при образовании сверхструктур M$_2$X”, Письма в ЖЭТФ, 91:3 (2010), 130–135; JETP Letters, 91:3 (2010), 119–124
S.P. Dolin, A.A. Levin, T.Yu. Mikhailova, “Compressed H-bonds in solids. Pressure-dependent ferroelectric behavior of KDP/DKDP”, Journal of Molecular Structure, 972:1-3 (2010), 115
A. A. Levin, S. P. Dolin, T. Yu. Mikhailova, “Quantum chemistry of hydrogen-bonded materials. Ferroelectrics and antiferroelectrics”, Russ J Gen Chem, 78:4 (2008), 833
Claudio Castelnovo, Pierre Pujol, Claudio Chamon, “Dynamical obstruction in a constrained system and its realization in lattices of superconducting devices”, Phys. Rev. B, 69:10 (2004)
Alexandr I. Gusev, Andrej A. Rempel, Andreas J. Magerl, Springer Series in Materials Science, 47, Disorder and Order in Strongly Nonstoichiometric Compounds, 2001, 299
Alexandr I. Gusev, Andrej A. Rempel, Andreas J. Magerl, Springer Series in Materials Science, 47, Disorder and Order in Strongly Nonstoichiometric Compounds, 2001, 333
А. И. Гусев, УФН, 170:1 (2000), 3–40; Phys. Usp., 43:1 (2000), 1–37
A.A Levin, S.P Dolin, “Direct and indirect proton–proton coupling in quantum-chemical theory of H-bonded materials”, Journal of Molecular Structure, 552:1-3 (2000), 39
T. N. Antsygina, V. A. Slyusarev, K. A. Chishko, “Characteristic behavior of the specific heat of exsolving 3He-4He solid solutions”, Phys. Solid State, 40:2 (1998), 325
L. S. Vorotilova, L. V. Dmitrieva, O. E. Kvyatkovskii, B. F. Shchegolev, “Quadrupole effects in the NMR spectra of 27Al in disordered mixed compounds CaREAlO4 (RE=La, Pr, Eu, Y)”, Phys. Solid State, 39:4 (1997), 540