Образец цитирования:
С. А. Гредескул, В. Д. Фрейлихер, “Локализация и распространение волн в случайно-слоистых средах”, УФН, 160:2 (1990), 239–262; Phys. Usp., 33:2 (1990), 134–146
“In memory of Sergey A. Gredeskul (1942–2023)”, Low Temperature Physics, 50:12 (2024), 1053
Andrzej Jarosz, “Summing free unitary random matrices”, Phys. Rev. E, 84:1 (2011)
Z. Burda, A. Jarosz, G. Livan, M. A. Nowak, A. Swiech, “Eigenvalues and singular values of products of rectangular Gaussian random matrices”, Phys. Rev. E, 82:6 (2010)
Stochastic Equations through the Eye of the Physicist, 2005, 513
N. Ikeda, N. Ochiai, “Probability distribution of transmission coefficients of plane waves through random stack medium”, Wave Motion, 42:1 (2005), 17
L. Hu, A. Schmidt, A. Narayanaswamy, G. Chen, “Effects of Periodic Structures on the Coherence Properties of Blackbody Radiation”, Journal of Heat Transfer, 126:5 (2004), 786
M. K. Bakhadyrkhanov, Kh. M. Iliev, K. S. Ayupov, O. É. Sattorov, “Magnetic field sensor based on compensated silicon”, Tech. Phys. Lett., 29:9 (2003), 705
A. P. Vinogradov, A. V. Merzlikin, “On the problem of homogenizing one-dimensional systems”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 94:3 (2002), 482
V. Filinov, P. Thomas, I. Varga, T. Meier, M. Bonitz, V. Fortov, S. W. Koch, “Interacting electrons in a one-dimensional random array of scatterers: A quantum dynamics and Monte Carlo study”, Phys. Rev. B, 65:16 (2002)
Tobias M Müller, Serge A Shapiro, Christof M A Sick, “Most probable ballistic waves in random media: a weak-fluctuation approximation and numerical results”, Waves in Random Media, 12:2 (2002), 223
Concita Sibilia, Mario Bertolotti, Marco Centini, Giuseppe D'Aguanno, Michael Scalora, Mark J. Bloemer, Charles M. Bowden, Topics in Applied Physics, 82, Optical Properties of Nanostructured Random Media, 2002, 63
Mirko van der Baan, “Acoustic wave propagation in one-dimensional random media: the wave localization approach”, Geophysical Journal International, 145:3 (2001), 631
T. M. Muller, S. A. Shapiro, “Most probable seismic pulses in single realizations of two- and three-dimensional random media”, Geophysical Journal International, 144:1 (2001), 83
V.S. Filinov, Yu.E. Lozovik, A.V. Filinov, I.E. Zacharov, “Quantum dynamics in Wigner representation”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 85:1-2 (2000), 257
V S Filinov, Yu E Lozovik, A V Filinov, I E Zacharov, A M Oparin, “Quantum Dynamics in Canonical and Micro-canonical Ensembles. Part I. Anderson Localization of Electrons”, Phys. Scr., 58:4 (1998), 297
V.I. Klyatskin, N.V. Gryanik, D. Gurarie, “Propagation and localization of Rossby waves over random topography (two-layer model)”, Wave Motion, 28:4 (1998), 333
Gregory Samelsohn, Reuven Mazar, “Transverse localization of directed waves in random media”, Phys. Rev. E, 58:1 (1998), 1094
L M Erukhimov, V P Uryadov, Yu N Cherkashin, V A Eremenko, V A Ivanov, N V Ryabova, V V Shumaev, Waves Random Media, 7:4 (1997), 531
L M Erukhimov, V P Uryadov, Yu N Cherkashin, V A Eremenko, V A Ivanov, N V Ryabova, V V Shumaev, “Pedersen mode ducting in a randomly stratified ionosphere”, Waves in Random Media, 7:4 (1997), 531
Gregory Samelsohn, Reuven Mazar, “Asymptotic analysis of classical wave localization in multiple-scattering random media”, Phys. Rev. E, 56:5 (1997), 6095