Образец цитирования:
В. Б. Зон, Б. А. Зон, В. Г. Клюев, А. Н. Латышев, Д. А. Минаков, О. В. Овчинников, “Визуальное наблюдение конверсии тепловых поверхностных плазмон-поляритонов в фотоны”, УФН, 181:3 (2011), 305–306; Phys. Usp., 54:3 (2011), 291–292
Khasanov I.Sh., “Spectrum of Thermal Radiation of Surface Plasmon-Polaritons Diffracted At the Edge of a Plane Metal Face”, J. Commun. Technol. Electron., 66:11 (2021), 1234–1238
Umul Yu.Z., “The Surface Wave Phenomenon on An Impedance Half-Plane”, Optik, 210 (2020), UNSP 164512
Umul Yu.Z., “Propagation and Diffraction of Surface Plasmons on a Resistive Half-Plane”, Optik, 224 (2020), 165512
Gerasimov V.V. Khasanov I.Sh. Nikitin A.K. Ta Thu Trang, “Searching For Evidences of the Surface Plasmon Nature of the Thermal Radiation Emitted From the Facet Edge of a Metal Bar”, Infrared Phys. Technol., 86 (2017), 52–58
V. V. Gerasimov, A. K. Nikitin, I. Sh. Khasanov, Ta Thu Trang, “The Spectrum of Thermally Stimulated Surface Plasmon Polaritons of a Linear Sample”, Opt. Spectrosc., 123:6 (2017), 893
Zhu N.Ya., Lyalinov M.A., “Diffraction of a Skew Incident Electromagnetic Surface Wave at an Impedance Wedge”, Proceedings of 2013 Ursi International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory (Emts), Ursi International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, IEEE, 2013, 912–914
А. В. Кукушкин, А. А. Рухадзе, К. З. Рухадзе, “Об условиях существования быстрой поверхностной волны”, УФН, 182:11 (2012), 1205–1215; A. V. Kukushkin, A. A. Rukhadze, K. Z. Rukhadze, “On the existence conditions for a fast surface wave”, Phys. Usp., 55:11 (2012), 1124–1133
V. Zon, B. Zon, “Terahertz surface plasmon polaritons on a conductive right circular cone: Analytical description and experimental verification”, Phys. Rev. A, 84:1 (2011)