Эта публикация цитируется в следующих 165 статьяx:
Zhaoyun Duan, Metamaterial-Based Electromagnetic Radiations and Applications, 2025, 65
L.Sh. Grigoryan, A.P. Potylitsyn, M.V. Shevelev, A.V. Vukolov, P.V. Karataev, S.B. Dabagov, A.S. Vardanyan, A.S. Yeremyan, M.M. Sukiasyan, A.A. Saharian, V.R. Kocharyan, T.R. Muradyan, M.L. Grigoryan, D.E. Baghdasaryan, V.Kh. Kotanjyan, A.V. Sargsyan, H.P. Harutyunyan, H.F. Khachatryan, A.R. Mnatsakanyan, A.H. Mkrtchyan, “Observation of coherent Cherenkov radiation of electron bunches from a partially dielectric loaded waveguide”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1062 (2024), 169177
Yu Cherepennikov, A. Vukolov, V. Kocharyan, F. Konusov, S. Pavlov, M. Shevelev, A. Potylitsyn, “Prospects of corundum crystals application as Cherenkov radiators”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1059 (2024), 169019
Sergey N. Galyamin, Alexandr M. Altmark, “Radiation of a TM mode from an open end of a three-layer dielectric capillary”, Chinese Phys. B, 33:7 (2024), 074102
A.A. Saharian, S.B. Dabagov, H.F. Khachatryan, L.Sh. Grigoryan, “Quasidiscrete spectrum Cherenkov radiation by a charge moving inside a dielectric waveguide”, J. Inst., 19:06 (2024), C06017
A. V. Tyukhtin, X. Fan, “Radiation from a Moving Bunch of Particles with a Variable Charge”, Tech. Phys., 69:3 (2024), 735
O. J. Franca, Stefan Yoshi Buhmann, “Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation for parallel motion in three-dimensional topological insulators”, Phys. Rev. B, 110:19 (2024)
A. A. Saharian, L. Sh. Grigoryan, A. S. Kotanjyan, H. F. Khachatryan, “Surface-polariton excitation and energy losses by a charged particle in cylindrical waveguides”, Phys. Rev. A, 107:6 (2023)
Xingzhen Fan, Andrey V. Tyukhtin, “Radiation of a variable charge flying into a medium”, Phys. Rev. A, 108:4 (2023)
L Sh Grigoryan, A A Saharian, M L Grigoryan, V Kh Kotanjyan, H F Khachatryan, “On investigations of radiation processes in media under external influences conducted at the IAPP”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2657:1 (2023), 012012
Aleksandra A. Grigoreva, Andrey V. Tyukhtin, Sergey N. Galyamin, Tatiana Yu Alekhina, “Energy loss reduction of a charge moving through an anisotropic plasma-like medium”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 192 (2022), 109907
Sergey N. Galyamin, Viktor V. Vorobev, “Diffraction at the Open End of Dielectric-Lined Circular Waveguide”, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn., 70:6 (2022), 3087
Galyamin S.N. Vorobev V.V. Tyukhtin V A., “Diffraction At the Open-Ended Dielectric-Loaded Circular Waveguide: Rigorous Approach”, IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Tech., 69:5 (2021), 2429–2438
Salas-Montiel R., “Cherenkov Radiation in Integrated Nanophotonic Structures”, J. Appl. Phys., 129:23 (2021), 233103
Klaus Floettmann, Francois Lemery, Martin Dohlus, Michaela Marx, Vasili Tsakanov, Mikayel Ivanyan, “Superradiant Cherenkov–wakefield radiation as THz source for FEL facilities”, J Synchrotron Rad, 28:1 (2021), 18
Dennis Rätzel, Daniel Hartley, Osip Schwartz, Philipp Haslinger, “Controlling quantum systems with modulated electron beams”, Phys. Rev. Research, 3:2 (2021)
Tatiana Yu Alekhina, Andrey V. Tyukhtin, “Reversed Cherenkov-transition radiation in a waveguide partly filled with an anisotropic dispersive medium”, Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 180 (2021), 109254
Andrey V. Tyukhtin, Sergey N. Galyamin, Viktor V. Vorobev, “Cherenkov radiation from a dielectric ball with a channel”, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 38:3 (2021), 711
A. P. Potylitsyn, S. Yu. Gogolev, “Radiation Losses of the Relativistic Charge Moving Near a Dielectric Radiator”, Russ Phys J, 62:12 (2020), 2187
Andrey V. Tyukhtin, Sergey N. Galyamin, Viktor V. Vorobev, Aleksandra A. Grigoreva, “Cherenkov radiation of a charge flying through the inverted conical target”, Phys. Rev. A, 102:5 (2020)