Развит аппарат доказательства теорем существования решения задачи
Коши и теорем о непрерывности зависимости решений от начальных
условий и параметров, применимый к ситуациям, не покрывавшимся
имевшимися результатами на эту тему.
Библиография: 24 названия.
Образец цитирования:
В. В. Филиппов, “О теории задачи Коши для обыкновенного дифференциального уравнения
с разрывной правой частью”, Матем. сб., 185:11 (1994), 95–118; V. V. Filippov, “On the theory of the Cauchy problem for an ordinary differential equation with discontinuous right-hand side”, Russian Acad. Sci. Sb. Math., 83:2 (1995), 383–403
\by В.~В.~Филиппов
\paper О теории задачи Коши для обыкновенного дифференциального уравнения
с~разрывной правой частью
\jour Матем. сб.
\yr 1994
\vol 185
\issue 11
\pages 95--118
\by V.~V.~Filippov
\paper On the theory of the Cauchy problem for an~ordinary differential equation with discontinuous right-hand side
\jour Russian Acad. Sci. Sb. Math.
\yr 1995
\vol 83
\issue 2
\pages 383--403
Д. А. Серков, “Минимизация риска при функциональных ограничениях на динамическую помеху”, Изв. ИМИ УдГУ, 2014, № 2(44), 3–95
Kai Zheng, Jinbai Gu, Xingcheng Wang, Yi Jiang, Proceedings of the 33rd Chinese Control Conference, 2014, 104
Luis Martinez-Salamero, Germain Garcia, Marcos Orellana, Cyril Lahore, Bruno Estibals, “Start-Up Control and Voltage Regulation in a Boost Converter Under Sliding-Mode Operation”, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., 60:10 (2013), 4637
Shubhendu Bhasin, Rushikesh Kamalapurkar, Huyen T. Dinh, Warren E. Dixon, “Robust Identification-Based State Derivative Estimation for Nonlinear Systems”, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 58:1 (2013), 187
N. Sharma, S. Bhasin, Qiang Wang, W. E. Dixon, “RISE-Based Adaptive Control of a Control Affine Uncertain Nonlinear System With Unknown State Delays”, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 57:1 (2012), 255
N. Sharma, C. M. Gregory, M. Johnson, W. E. Dixon, “Closed-Loop Neural Network-Based NMES Control for Human Limb Tracking”, IEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Technol., 20:3 (2012), 712
W. MacKunis, S. V. Drakunov, M. Reyhanoglu, L. Ukeiley, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference, 2011, 6931
Jinbai Gu, Kai Zheng, Junqiang Ma, Xingcheng Wang, 2011 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Control and Information Processing, 2011, 473
Hesheng Wang, Yun-Hui Liu, Weidong Chen, Zhongli Wang, “A New Approach to Dynamic Eye-in-Hand Visual Tracking Using Nonlinear Observers”, IEEE/ASME Trans. Mechatron., 16:2 (2011), 387
Kai Zheng, Tielong Shen, Yu Yao, “Stationary Set Analysis for PD Controlled Mechanical Systems”, IEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Technol., 19:5 (2011), 1236
Parag M. Patre, William MacKunis, Keith Dupree, Warren E. Dixon, “Modular Adaptive Control of Uncertain Euler–Lagrange Systems With Additive Disturbances”, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 56:1 (2011), 155
Xinwu Liang, Xinhan Huang, Min Wang, Xiangjin Zeng, “Adaptive Task-Space Tracking Control of Robots Without Task-Space- and Joint-Space-Velocity Measurements”, IEEE Trans. Robot., 26:4 (2010), 733
T.R. Oliveira, A.J. Peixoto, Liu Hsu, “Sliding Mode Control of Uncertain Multivariable Nonlinear Systems With Unknown Control Direction via Switching and Monitoring Function”, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 55:4 (2010), 1028
E.V.L. Nunes, Liu Hsu, F. Lizarralde, “Global Exact Tracking for Uncertain Systems Using Output-Feedback Sliding Mode Control”, IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr., 54:5 (2009), 1141
Qing Hui, Wassim M. Haddad, 2009 American Control Conference, 2009, 4050
Tiago Roux Oliveira, Alessandro Jacoud Peixoto, Antonio Candea Leite, Liu Hsu, 2009 American Control Conference, 2009, 71
Eduardo V. L. Nunes, Liu Hsu, Fernando Lizarralde, 2008 International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, 2008, 141
Tiago Roux Oliveira, Alessandro Jacoud Peixoto, Liu Hsu, 2008 American Control Conference, 2008, 389