We analyze the classic problem of existence of Einstein metrics in a given conformal structure for the class of conformal structures inducedf Nurowski's construction by (oriented) (2,3,5) distributions. We characterize in two ways such conformal structures that admit an almost Einstein scale: First, they are precisely the oriented conformal structures c that are induced by at least two distinct oriented (2,3,5) distributions; in this case there is a 1-parameter family of such distributions that induce c. Second, they are characterized by the existence of a holonomy reduction to SU(1,2), SL(3,R), or a particular semidirect product SL(2,R)⋉Q+, according to the sign of the Einstein constant of the corresponding metric. Via the curved orbit decomposition formalism such a reduction partitions the underlying manifold into several submanifolds and endows each ith a geometric structure. This establishes novel links between (2,3,5) distributions and many other geometries – several classical geometries among them – including: Sasaki–Einstein geometry and its paracomplex and null-complex analogues in dimension 5; Kähler–Einstein geometry and its paracomplex and null-complex analogues, Fefferman Lorentzian conformal structures, and para-Fefferman neutral conformal structures in dimension 4; CR geometry and the point geometry of second-order ordinary differential equations in dimension 3; and projective geometry in dimension 2. We describe a generalized Fefferman construction that builds from a 4-dimensional Kähler–Einstein or para-Kähler–Einstein structure a family of (2,3,5) distributions that induce the same (Einstein) conformal structure. We exploit some of these links to construct new examples, establishing the existence of nonflat almost Einstein (2,3,5) conformal structures for which the Einstein constant is positive and negative.
The first author is an INdAM (Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica) research fellow. She gratefully acknowledges support from the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) via project J3071–N13 and support from project FIR–2013 Geometria delle equazioni dif ferenziali. The second author gratefully acknowledges support from the Australian Research Council and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the latter via project P27072–N25.
Поступила:26 июля 2016 г.; в окончательном варианте 13 января 2017 г.; опубликована 19 января 2017 г.