Образец цитирования:
В. А. Рохлин, “Лекции по энтропийной теории преобразований с инвариантной мерой”, УМН, 22:5(137) (1967), 3–56; Russian Math. Surveys, 22:5 (1967), 1–52
Эта публикация цитируется в следующих 230 статьяx:
GEORGII VEPREV, “Non-existence of a universal zero-entropy system via generic actions of almost complete growth”, Ergod. Th. Dynam. Sys., 2024, 1
Weisheng Wu, Yiwei Zhang, Xiaomin Zhou, “Conditional Entropy Formula with Respect to Monotonic Partitions”, J Dyn Control Syst, 2024
RAUL URES, MARCELO VIANA, FAN YANG, JIAGANG YANG, “Thermodynamical u-formalism I: measures of maximal u-entropy for maps that factor over Anosov”, Ergod. Th. Dynam. Sys., 44:1 (2024), 290
Evgeny Kagan, Irad Ben-Gal, “Distinguishing the Leading Agents in Classification Problems Using the Entropy-Based Metric”, Entropy, 26:4 (2024), 318
David Burguet, “SRB measures for $C^{\infty }$ surface diffeomorphisms”, Invent. math., 235:3 (2024), 1019
Moacir Aloisio, Silas L. Carvalho, César R. de Oliveira, Edson Souza, “On spectral measures and convergence rates in von Neumann's Ergodic theorem”, Monatsh Math, 203:3 (2024), 543
Вадим Кайманович, “Лиувиллевость и граница Пуассона блужданий с бесконечной энтропией: что не так?”, Функц. анализ и его прил., 58:2 (2024), 72–99; Vadim Kaimanovich, “Liouville property and poisson boundary of random walks with infinite entropy: what's amiss?”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 58:2 (2024), 160–181
Raul Ures, Marcelo Viana, Fan Yang, Jiagang Yang, “Maximal Transverse Measures of Expanding Foliations”, Commun. Math. Phys., 405:5 (2024)
Steinar Thorvaldsen, Ola Hössjer, “Use of directed quasi-metric distances for quantifying the information of gene families”, BioSystems, 2024, 105256
Yongluo Cao, Zeya Mi, Jiagang Yang, “Physical measures for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with mixed hyperbolicity
*”, Nonlinearity, 37:7 (2024), 075005
Gang Liao, Shirou Wang, “Continuity properties of folding entropy”, Isr. J. Math., 2024
А. М. Вершик, Г. А. Вепрев, П. Б. Затицкий, “Динамика метрик в пространствах с мерой и масштабированная энтропия”, УМН, 78:3(471) (2023), 53–114; A. M. Vershik, G. A. Veprev, P. B. Zatitskii, “Dynamics of metrics in measure spaces and scaling entropy”, Russian Math. Surveys, 78:3 (2023), 443–499
Moacir Aloisio, Silas L. Carvalho, César de R. Oliveira, Latin American Mathematics Series, Spectral Measures and Dynamics: Typical Behaviors, 2023, 177
Wen Huang, Song Shao, Xiangdong Ye, Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science Series, Ergodic Theory, 2023, 389
Antonio C. Costa, Tosif Ahamed, David Jordan, Greg J. Stephens, “Maximally predictive states: From partial observations to long timescales”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 33:2 (2023)
Amit Vikram, Victor Galitski, “Dynamical quantum ergodicity from energy level statistics”, Phys. Rev. Research, 5:3 (2023)
Mario Mastriani, “The theorem of unified locality”, SN Appl. Sci., 5:7 (2023)
Irad Ben-Gal, Marcelo Bacher, Morris Amara, Erez Shmueli, “A Nonparametric Subspace Analysis Approach with Application to Anomaly Detection Ensembles”, INFORMS Journal on Data Science, 2:2 (2023), 99
Eugen Mihailescu, “Invariant measures in non-conformal fibered systems with singularities”, Journal of Functional Analysis, 284:9 (2023), 109860