Городской семинар по теории вероятностей и математической статистике
16 мая 2014 г. 18:00–20:00, г. Санкт-Петербург, ПОМИ, ауд. 311 (наб. р. Фонтанки, 27)
Spectral statistics for random Hamiltonians in the localized regime
F. Klopp |
Количество просмотров: |
Эта страница: | 244 |
We present recent results on the level, level spacings and
localization center statistics for random Hamiltonians in the localized
regime. The main tools of the analysis are a characterization of the
localized regime which can be obtained through multiscale analysis or
through the fractional moment method and local spectral statistics
(Wegner and Minami's estimate). These ingredients essentially allow us
to realize the spectral data of random Hamiltonians as independent
random objects; this description is then used to obtain the results on
the statistics. If time allows, we will also explain new spectral
decorrelation estimates.
Язык доклада: английский