The Ma–Trundinger–Wang (MTW) tensor was introduced in [4] to
guarantee a regularity theory for the fully non linear Monge-Ampère
Equation. In particular this PDE is satisfied by the solution of an optimal
transport problem [5]. This tensor also leads to a regularity
theory (TCP theory) for optimal transportation problem on a Riemannian
manifold [3]. For example we can set in dimension $2$ the
following theorem:
$ $ Theorem.The TCP condition (continuity of optimal transport map) holds if and only if$(M,g)$satisfies(MTW)(positivity of MTW tensor) and all its injectivity domains are convex. $ $ Cédric Villani conjecture that the convexity of injectivity domains is in fact a consequence of (MTW). He makes a step in this direction [1].
Together with Alessio Figalli and Ludovic Rifford [2] we improved this result and prove the following "Boney M theorem:
$ $ Theorem.Let$(M,g)$be a nonfocal Riemannian manifold satisfying(MTW). Then all injectivity domains of$M$are convex. $ $ During this talk we will introduce the optimal transportion problem and the
Ma–Trundinger–Wang tensor. We then review some applications of MTW tensor
in order to make it less mysterious and prove that it contains many
geometric informations. In particular we will explain why the MTW tensor
can be seen as a curvature one. We will conclude with the convexity of
injectivity domains for a non focal manifold.
G. Loeper and C. Villani, “Regularity of optimal transport in curved geometry: the nonfocal case”, Duke Math. J., 151:3 (2010), 431–485
A. Figalli, T. Gallouët and L. Rifford, “On the convexity of injectivity domains (preprint)”
A. Figalli, L. Rifford and C. Villani, “Necessary and sufficient conditions for continuity of optimal transport maps on Riemannian manifolds”, Tohoku Math. J., 63:4 (2011), 855–876
X. N. Ma, N. S. Trudinger and X. J. Wang, “Regularity of potential functions of the optimal transportation problem”, Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal., 177:2 (2005), 151–183
C. Villani, “Optimal transport, old and new”, Grundlehren des mathematischen Wissenschaften, 338, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009