We will consider 2π-periodic functions of countably many variables.
Let T=R/(2πZ) and
μ∞ denote the Haar measure on T∞
normalized so that μ∞(T∞)=1.
Any function f∈L(T∞) has the
Fourier expansion
where now the sum is taken over all
k=(k1,k2,…,) with integers k1,k2,…,
such that all these numbers but finitely many are equal
to 0. We consider the Riesz operator R defined
on the space L2(T∞):
We prove that for any p>2,q>2 the Riesz operator is not a bounded
operator from Lp to Lq.
The talk is based on a joint paper with Herve Queffélec, Eero Saksman,and Kristian Seip.