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“Numbers and functions” – Memorial conference for 80th birthday of Alexey Nikolaevich Parshin
28 ноября 2022 г. 13:10–14:00, Moscow, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, 8, Gubkina str., room 104

Henselian division algebras, GG-involutions, and reduced unitary Whitehead groups for anisotropic outer forms of type AnAn (Zoom)

V. I. Yanchevskiĭ
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Аннотация: Let KK be an infinite field. There are many important examples of infinite projectively simple groups (i.e., groups without non-central normal subgroups) supplied by linear algebra. For example, SLn(K)SLn(K), n>1n>1, Spn(K,f)Spn(K,f) (where Spn(K,f)Spn(K,f) are symplectic groups of alternating forms ff), and etc.
A very useful extension of the range of examples of infinite projectively simple groups was the transition to linear algebraic groups, which led to new interesting conjectures and results. This approach made it possible to identify common properties that reflect the phenomenon of projective simplicity.
Let GG be a linear algebraic group defined over a field KK, GKGK be the group of its KK-rational points. Recall that a group GG is anisotropic over KK if it has no proper parabolic subgroups defined over KK. Here a parabolic subgroup is a subgroup containing a Borel subgroup. Denote by G+KG+K the normal subgroup of GKGK generated by rational over KK elements of unipotent radicals of KK-defined parabolic subgroups. In this situation, J. Tits established the following important fact (1964).
Theorem. Let KK contain at least 44 elements. Then any subgroup of GKGK normalized by the group G+KG+K either contains G+KG+K or is central. In particular, G+KG+K is projectively simple.
Thus, a new class of projectively simple groups arises. It is natural to assume that the structure of the group GKGK is known if GK=G+KGK=G+K. For special groups GG and many fields KK this fact was known by the time of the proof of the theorem, and therefore the following assumption seemed quite natural.
Conjecture (Kneser–Tits). For a simply connected simple group GG, which is defined and isotropic over the field KK, G+K=GKG+K=GK.
Note that the Kneser–Tits conjecture is obviously true in the case when KK is algebraically closed. One also note that E. Cartan established the validity of the conjecture in the case when K=R and G is a simple simply connected algebraic group. For a long time it was believed that the Kneser–Tits conjecture was true since it is confirmed in a number of special cases. However, in 1975, V.P. Platonov showed that in the general case the conjecture is false. The latter led to Tits's definition of groups of algebraic K-groups W(K,G)=GK/G+K (for further details see [1].
Let G be a simply connected K-defined simple algebraic group. Then it belongs to one of the types An, Bn, Cn, Dn, E6, E7, E8, F4, and G2. Among these types, the most interesting (and difficult to study) are groups of type An. The outer forms of groups of this type are limited to the following special unitary groups
where D is a division algebra of index d endowed with a unitary involution τ (i.e., with a nontrivial restriction on the center D), and K coincides with the field of τ-invariant elements of the center D, f is a non-degenerate m-dimensional Hermitian form, Um(D,f) is a unitary group of the form f, and n=md1.
In the isotropic case the form f is isotropic and there is an extensive bibliography devoted to the calculation of such groups. Passing to the anisotropic situation, we note that the Hermitian form f must be anisotropic. Despite the fact that the first papers on this topic date back to the early 2000s, the study of such groups is still difficult to approach. Since these groups will play a key role in the report, we will give their precise definition.
Definition. The group SUKan1(D,τ)=SU1(D,f)/U1(D,f), where U1(D,f) is the commutant of the group U1(D,f), is called reduced unitary Whitehead group for the anisotropic form f.
The first main results related to the calculation of non-trivial reduced Whitehead groups were obtained in frame of the class of Henselian division algebras and used the idea of reducing the problem of calculating these groups to the definition of some special subgroups of the multiplicative groups for their residue algebras. The structure of finite-dimensional central Henselian algebras was firstly obtained by Platonov and Yanchevski\u{i} in 1985.
In a recent paper by the speaker [2] a scheme was proposed for calculating the groups SUKan1(D,τ) for the so-called cyclic involutions τ. The aim of the talk is to generalize the results from [2] related to the case of G-involutions for solvable groups G.
[1] P. Gille. Le probléme de Kneser–Tits. Séminaire Boubaki. Astérisque. Vol. 326. — 2009. — Vol. 2001/2008, no. 983. — x+409 p.
[2] V. I. Yanchevskiĭ. Henselian division algebras and reduced unitary Whitehead groups for outer forms of anisotropic algebraic groups of type An. Mat. Sb. — 2022. — Vol. 213, no. 8. — P. 83–148.

Дополнительные материалы: Yanchevskii_slides.pdf (573.6 Kb)

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