Конференция международных математических центров мирового уровня
9 августа 2021 г. 14:30–15:20, Математический анализ, г. Сочи
Approximation by solutions of elliptic equations and systems
К. Ю. Федоровский Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова
Количество просмотров: |
Эта страница: | 115 |
We will deal with problems of uniform and $C^m$-approximations by solutions
of second order homogeneous elliptic equations with constant complex
coefficients and by solutions of systems of such equations on compact sets in
the complex plane. We will start with recent results due to M. Mazalov on
uniform approximation by solutions of equations in question with
singularities located outside compact sets where the approximation is
considered. Later on we will concentrate on the problem of uniform
approximation by polynomial solutions of our equations. For instance, we plan
to discuss the important open conjecture that the classical Walsh–Lebesgue
criterion for uniform approximation by harmonic polynomials remains valid in
the case of uniform approximation by polynomial solution of general strongly
elliptic equation of the type in question. We also plan to touch upon the
case of approximation by polynomial solutions on not strongly elliptic
equations, when the possibility of approximation is controlled by certain
special analytic characteristics of sets where approximation is considered
(the concepts of Nevanlinna and $L$-special domains). At the rest of the talk
we will briefly discuss some recent results about approximation by solutions
of equations in question in $C^m$-norms.