Beijing–Moscow Mathematics Colloquium
21 мая 2021 г. 11:00–12:00, г. Москва, online
On the application of the Ważewski method to the
problem of global stabilization
I. Yu. Polekhin Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Количество просмотров: |
Эта страница: | 211 |
In 2000, S.P. Bhat and D.S. Bernstein proved that if the configuration
space of an autonomous control mechanical system is closed (compact
without boundary), then the system cannot have a globally asymptotically
stable equilibrium [1]. We will present a similar result for
non-autonomous control systems defined on manifolds with non-empty
boundaries. The talk is based on the paper [2].
Язык доклада: английский
Список литературы
Bhat S.P., Bernstein D.S., “A topological obstruction to continuous global stabilization of rotational motion and the unwinding phenomenon”, Systems Control Lett., 39:1 (2000), 63–70
I. Polekhin, “On the application of the Ważewski method to the problem of global stabilization”, Systems & Control Letters, 153 (2021) authors.elsevier.com/a/1d2Qoc8EXim67