Совместный общематематический семинар СПбГУ и Пекинского Университета
28 января 2021 г. 16:00–17:00, г. Санкт-Петербург, online
Recent developments in exact Lagrangian fillings
Honghao Gao Michigan State University, Department of Mathematics
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Legendrian knots and their exact Lagrangian fillings are important geometric objects to study in low dimensional contact and symplectic topology. It was not known whether there exists a Legendrian knot that admits infinitely many exact Lagrangian fillings. In 2020, this statement was proven affirmatively, and infinitely many Lagrangian fillings have been constructed for all torus links of infinite type (with Casals), a family of positive braid links (Casals-Zaslow), all positive braid links of infinite type (with Shen-Weng), two examples that are not positive braid links (Casals-Ng). In this talk, I will review these results, and explain the construction for the torus (3,6) link appeared in the work with R. Casals.
Язык доклада: английский