Семинар лаборатории теории функций "Современные проблемы комплексного анализа"
21 января 2021 г. 12:00–13:00, г. Ташкент, Онлайн на платформе Zoom
Semicontiunity of small Lyapunov exponent for holomorphic endomorphisms of $\mathbb{P}^k$
K. Kh. Rakhimovab a Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris
b Université de Lille
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After a short introduction to dynamics of holomorphic endomorphisms of $\mathbb{P}^k$ we talk about dynamical stability of a holomorphic family of endomorphisms $\{f_\lambda\},$ $\lambda\in M$ (a complex manifold). We show that, if $\{f_\lambda\}$ is a stable family, and for a fixed $\lambda_0$ if $\nu_{\lambda_0}$ is an invariant probability measure on $J_{\lambda_0}$, the small Julia set for $f_{\lambda_0}$, then there exists invariant measures $\nu_\lambda$ on $J_{\lambda}$ which vary continuously on $\lambda$. In the second part of the talk we study Lyapunov exponents of $\nu_\lambda$ and we show that the small Lyapunov exponent is lower semicontinuous.