Общероссийский семинар по оптимизации им. Б.Т. Поляка
9 декабря 2020 г. 17:30, Москва, Онлайн, пятница, 19:00
Ускорение тензорных методов и их оптимальная комбинация / Acceleration of Tensor Methods and Their Optimal Combination
Д. И. Камзолов |
Количество просмотров: |
Эта страница: | 227 |
In this talk, we present a new Hyperfast Second-Order Method with convergence rate $O(N^{-5})$ up to a logarithmic factor for the convex function with Lipshitz third derivative. This method based on two ideas. The first comes from the superfast second-order scheme of Yu. Nesterov (CORE Discussion Paper 2020/07, 2020). It allows implementing the third-order scheme by solving subproblem using only the second-order oracle. This method converges with rate $O(N^{-4})$. The second idea comes from the work of Kamzolov et al. (arXiv:2002.01004). It is the inexact near-optimal third-order method. We improve its convergence and merge it with the scheme of solving subproblem using only the second-order oracle. As a result, we get convergence rate $O(N^{-5})$ up to a logarithmic factor. This convergence rate is near-optimal and the best known up to this moment.