Семинар по геометрической топологии
17 мая 2018 г. 14:00–16:50, г. Москва, Матфак ВШЭ (ул. Усачёва, 6), ауд. 108
Invariants on Hopf algebra of delta-matroids and Hopf algebra of Lagrangian subspaces that satisfy four-term relations
В. И. Жуков |
In this talk I will continue the topic Alex Dunaykin spoke about.
I will briefly recall the connection between Hopf algebras of chord diagrams, intersection graphs, ribbon (embedded) graphs and binary delta-matroids.
I will give some examples of weight systems on the Hopf algebra of delta-matroid.
And then I will describe isomorphism between Hopf algebra of ribbon graphs and Hopf algebra of Lagrangian subspaces.