Динамика в Сибири - 2018
27 февраля 2018 г. 10:20–11:10, Новосибирск, Дом ученых СО РАН, Морской проспект, д. 23
A model with chaotic scattering and reduction of wave packets
I.Guarneri |
Some variants of Smilansky's model of a particle interacting with harmonic oscillators are examined in the framework of scattering theory. A dynamical proof is given of the existence of wave operators. Analysis of a classical version of the model provides a transparent picture for the spectral transition to which the quantum model owes its renown, and for the underlying dynamical behaviour. The model is thereby classified as an extreme case of chaotic scattering, with aspects related to wave packet reduction and irreversibility.
To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.
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Язык доклада: английский