Динамика в Сибири - 2018
26 февраля 2018 г. 13:00–13:50, Новосибирск, Дом ученых СО РАН, Морской проспект, д. 23
Nonequilibrium physics of quantum quasiperiodic systems
M.Znidaric |
I will describe nonequilibrium physics of quantum quasiperiodic systems like the Aubry–Andre–Harper model. When a non-interacting critical system is driven out of equilibrium the steady state displays fractal spatial dependence of observables. Even more interesting is the behavior in the presence of interactions: infinitesimal interactions at half-filling cause a discontinuous (non-KAM) breakdown of localization to diffusion, as opposed to a smooth behavior for random potential.
Дополнительные материалы:
znidaric_nov18.pdf (2.3 Mb)
Язык доклада: английский