Математический кружок школы ПМИ МФТИ
10 ноября 2017 г., г. Долгопрудный, МФТИ, Новый Корпус, 239
Nearest neighbor degree and finite size effects in scale-free
Н. Литвак |
Dependencies between the degree of a node and its neighbors, known as
degree-degree correlations, or network assortativity, affect many
important properties of networks, e.g. their robustness to attacks and
spreading processes. In this talk I will focus a commonly used correlation
measure – the average nearest neighbor degree (ANND). ANND is the average
degree of neighbors of a node with degree k, as a function of k. I will
discuss convergence properties of the ANND as the graph size goes to
infinity, and its limitations. In particular, in the infinite variance
scenario ANND fails to converge to a deterministic function but obeys a
stable-law CLT. As a remedy to this, we propose a new correlation measure,
the average nearest neighbor rank (ANNR), and prove its point-wise
convergence to a deterministic function. Under the condition that the
graph is simple, physics literature often mentions `finite-size effects’
or `structural correlations’. Such effects arise in a simple graph because
large nodes can have only limited number of large neighbors. Using the
example of the erased configuration model (ECM), we prove that most of the
convergence results for the ANNR remain to hold in the ECM, but we do
observe interesting finite-side effects for very large k. I will devote
part of the talk to numerical results and open questions.