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Семинар отдела геометрии и топологии МИАН «Геометрия, топология и математическая физика» (семинар С. П. Новикова)
23 августа 2017 г. 15:05–16:15, г. Москва, МИАН

Algebras of quantum monodromy data and decorated character varieties

Л. О. Чехов

Математический институт им. В.А. Стеклова Российской академии наук, г. Москва

Количество просмотров:
Эта страница:150

Аннотация: The Riemann-Hilbert correspondence is an isomorphism between the de Rham moduli space and the Betti moduli space, defined by associating to each Fuchsian system its monodromy representation class. In 1997 Hitchin proved that this map is a symplectomorphism. We address the question of what happens to this theory if we extend the de Rham moduli space by allowing connections with higher order poles. In our previous paper arXiv:1511.03851 [1], based on the idea of interpreting higher order poles in the connection as boundary components with bordered cusps (vertices of ideal triangles in the Poincar'e metric) on the Riemann surface, we introduced the notion of decorated character variety to generalize the Betti moduli space. This decorated character variety is the quotient of the space of representations of the fundamental groupoid of arcs by a product of unipotent Borel sub-groups (one per bordered cusp). We show that this representation space is endowed with a Poisson structure induced by the Fock–Rosly bracket and show also that the quotient by unipotent Borel subgroups giving rise to the decorated character variety is a Poisson reduction. We deal with the Poisson bracket and its quantization simultaneously, thus providing a quantisation of the decorated character variety. In the case of dimension 2, we also endow the representation space with explicit Darboux coordinates. We conclude with a conjecture on the extended Riemann-Hilbert correspondence in the case of higher order poles.
The talk is base on our joint paper with Marta Mazzocco and Vladimir Rubtsov (arXiv:1705.01447, to appear in the Oxford Univ. Press volume dedicated to Nigel Hitchin for his 70th birthday).
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