There are several homological operations that can be defined between even and
odd Khovanov homology theories using the unified homology theory developed by
Putyra. This construction works for both reduced and unreduced versions of the
Khovanov homology. We discuss these homological operations, compare different
versions of them, and show how they can give rise to new knot invariants with
interesting properties.
The talk is based on a joint work with Krzysztof Putyra [1]. The author is partially supported by a Simons Collaboration Grant for
Mathematicians #279867.
K. Putyra and A. Shumakovitch, Knot invariants arising from
homological operations on Khovanov homology. J. Knot Th. and Ramif.
25 (2016), no. 3, 1640012 [18 pages]; arXiv:1601.00798.