Научно-исследовательский семинар кафедры дискретной математики ФИВТ МФТИ
19 января 2015 г. 16:00–18:00, г. Москва, ул. Льва Толстого, д. 16, Яндекс, БЦ «Мамонтов», ауд. Гарвард
Metric Diophantine approximation — from continued fractions to fractals
Simon Kristensen University of Aarhus, Department of Mathematical Sciences
The metric theory of Diophantine approximation dates back to Èmile Borel (1909) and Khintchine (1924). Starting from Khintchine, we will give a survey of metric Diophantine approximation, with tthe occurrence of fractal structures in number theory playing a major part. Particular emphasis will be put on recent efforts to tackle major outstanding problems via two different avenues: One uses classical techniques from fractal geometry and number theory, while the other uses methods from homogeneous dynamics.