Доказаны теоремы о существовании и единственности почти периодических решений полупространственных краевых задач для полулинейных параболических уравнений. С помощью метода параметризации доказана однозначная разрешимость нелокальных краевых задач для систем гиперболических уравнений с двумя независимыми переменными. Методом параметризации получены достаточные условия существования и единственности ограниченного на полосе решения гиперболических систем.
Научная биография:
Окончила математический факультет Казахского государственного университета в 1989 г. (кафедра дифференциальных уравнений). Кандидатская диссертация — 1994 г.
Докторская диссертация - 2006 г. Более 300 публикаций.
1995г. - премия Национальной Академии наук Республики Казахстан им. академика К. П. Персидского за цикл работ о почти периодических решениях полупространственных краевых задач полулинейных параболических уравнений;
2009г. - Диплом III степени премии НЦНТЭ "Парасат" в номинации "Наиболее цитируемые авторы по точным наукам";
Основные публикации:
А. Т. Асанова, “Периодические на плоскости решения системы гиперболических уравнений второго порядка”, Математические заметки, 101:1 (2017), 20–30; A. T. Asanova, “Periodic Solutions in the Plane of Systems of Second-Order Hyperbolic Equations”, Mathematical Notes, 101:1 (2017), 39–47
A. T. Assanova, “Solvability of a nonlocal problem for a hyperbolic equation with integral conditions”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2017:170 (2017), 1-12
A. T. Assanova, “On the solvability of nonlocal boundary value problem for the systems of impulsive hyperbolic equations with mixed derivatives”, Discontinuity, Nonlinearity and Complexity, 5:2 (2016), 153-165
A. T. Asanova, “On solvability of nonlinear boundary value problems with integral condition for the system of hyperbolic equations”, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2015:63 (2015), 1-13
A. T. Asanova, D. S. Dzhumabaev, “Well-posedness of nonlocal boundary value problems with integral condition for the system of hyperbolic equations”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 402:1 (2013), 167-178
A. T. Assanova, “Initial boundary value problem for partial differential-algebraic equations with parameter”, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 2025, Early Access: 05 January, 2025, 1–15
A. T. Assanova, S. G. Karakenova, S. T. Mynbayeva, R. E. Uteshova, “A solution to a nonlinear Fredholm integro-differential equation”, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 47:1 (2024), 61–73 (Early access March 2023)
A. T. Assanova, A. E. Imanchiyev, “A nonlocal problem with multipoint conditions for partial differential equations of higher order”, Filomat, 38:1 (2024), 295–304
A. T. Assanova, Z. M. Kadirbayeva, R. A. Medetbekova, S. T. Mynbayeva, “Problem for differential-algebraic equations with a significant loads”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 113:1 (2024), 46–59
A. T. Assanova, “On a solvability to the problem with parameter for differential-algebraic equations”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 45:2 (2024), 604–612
E. A. Bakirova, A. T. Assanova, Z. M. Kadirbayeva, “Solving multi-point problem for Volterra-Fredholm integro-differential equations using Dzhumabaev parameterization method”, Open Mathematics, 22:1 (2024), 20240024
D. S. Dzhumabaev, A. D. Dzhumabaev, A. T. Assanova, “Properties of a partial Fredholm integro-differential equations with nonlocal condition and algorithms”, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 21:6 (2024), 169
A. T. Assanova, R. E. Uteshova, “Two-point boundary-value problems for differential equations with generalized piecewise-constant argument”, Ukranian Mathematical Journal, 76:5 (2024), 705–722
A. T. Assanova, “Solvability to an initial-periodic problem for delay partial differential equations of Sobolev type”, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 46:9 (2023), 1751-1764 (Early access Sep 2022)
Z. Kadirbayeva, A. Assanova, E. Bakirova, “A new computational approach for solving a boundary-value problem for DEPCAG”, Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications, 7:2 (2023), 362-376
S.. Mynbayeva, A. Assanova, R. Uteshova, “A Solution to a Linear Boundary Value Problem for an Impulsive Integro-Differential Equation”, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, 2023, Early access Oct 2023, 1–18
A. T. Assanova, E. A. Bakirova, Z. M. Kadirbayeva, “Two-Point Boundary Value Problem for Volterra–Fredholm Integro-Differential Equations and Its Numerical Analysis”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 44:3 (2023), 1100–1110
A. T. Assanova, M. A. Mukash, O. M. Stanzhytskyi, “A problem with impulse actions for nonlinear ODEs”, International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 14:1 (2023), 23-31
A. T. Assanova, “A generalized integral problem for a system of hyperbolic equations and its applications”, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 52:6 (2023), 1513-1532
A. T. Assanova, A. U. Bekbauova, M. Z. Talipova, “On a non-local problem for system of partial differential equations of hyperbolic type in a specific domain”, International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 14:2 (2023), 36–41
A. E. Imanchiyev, A. T. Assanova, A. Molybaikyzy, “Properties of a nonlocal problem for hyperbolic equations with impulse discrete memory”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 44:10 (2023), 4299–4309
A. T. Assanova, S. T. Mynbayeva, “New general solution to a quasilinear Fredholm integro-differential equation and its application”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 44:10 (2023), 4231–4239
A. T. Assanova, A. E. Imanchiyev, “The problem with non-separated multipoint-integral conditions for high-order differential equations and a new general solution”, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 45:10 (2022), 1641-1653 (Early access September 2021)
N. T. Orumbayeva, A. T. Assanova, A. B. Keldibekova, “On an algorithm of finding an approximate solution of a periodic problem for a third-order differential equation”, Eurasian Mathematical Journal, 13:1 (2022), 69–85;
A. T. Assanova, S. N. Nurmukanbet, “A solvability of a problem for a Fredholm integro-differential equation with weakly singular kernel”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 43:1 (2022), 182–191
A. T. Assanova, S. S. Zhumatov, S. T. Mynbayeva, S. G. Karakenova, “On solvability of boundary value problem for a nonlinear Fredholm integro-differential equation”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 105:1 (2022), 25–34
А. Т. Асанова, “К теории периодических решений систем гиперболических уравнений на плоскости”, Геометрия, механика и дифференциальные уравнения, Итоги науки и техн. Сер. Соврем. мат. и ее прил. Темат. обз., 210, ВИНИТИ РАН, М., 2022, 35–48
A. Abildayeva, A. Assanova, A. Imanchiyev, “A multi-point problem for a system of differential equations with piecewise-constant argument of generalized type as a neural network model”, Eurasian Mathematical Journal, 13:2 (2022), 8–17;
А. Т. Асанова, Э. А. Бакирова, А. Е. Иманчиев, “Краевая задача для интегро-дифференциального уравнения смешанного типа”, Геометрия, механика и дифференциальные уравнения, Итоги науки и техн. Сер. Соврем. мат. и ее прил. Темат. обз., 211, ВИНИТИ РАН, М., 2022, 3–13
Г. А. Абдикаликова, А. Т. Асанова, Ш. Т. Шекербекова, “О нелокальной задаче для нагруженных гиперболических уравнений четвертого порядка”, Известия вузов. Математика, 2022, № 8, 3–23; G. A. Abdikalikova, A. T. Assanova, Sh. T. Shekerbekova, “A nonlocal problem for fourth-order loaded hyperbolic equations”, Russian Mathematics, 66:8 (2022), 1–18
A. T. Assanova, S. S. Zhumatov, S. T. Mynbayeva, S. G Karakenova, “On solvability of boundary value problem for a nonlinear Fredholm integro-differential equation”, Bulletin of the Karaganda university-Mathematics, 105:1 (2022), 25-34
A. T. Assanova, R. E. Uteshova, “Solution of a nonlocal problem for hyperbolic equations with piecewise constant argument of generalized type”, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, 165:12 (2022), 112816
A. T. Assanova, “On the solvability of nonlocal problem for the system of Sobolev-type differential equations with integral condition”, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 28:1 (2021), 49-57 (Available online: 02.19.2019)
A. T. Assanova, R. E. Uteshova, “A singular boundary value problem for evolution equations of hyperbolic type”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 143:2 (2021), 110517
E. A. Bakirova, A. T. Assanova, Zh. M. Kadirbayeva, “A problem with parameter for the integro-differential equations”, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 26:1 (2021), 34-54
A. T. Assanova, “Unique Solvability of an Initial-Boundary Value Problem for a System of Third-Order Partial Differential Equations”, Differential Equations, 57:1 (2021), 111-116
B. B. Minglibayeva, A. T. Assanova, “An Existence of an Isolated Solution to Nonlinear Two-Point Boundary Value Problem with Parameter”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 42:3 (2021), 587 - 597
A. T. Assanova, “A Two-Point Boundary Value Problem for a Fourth Order Partial Integro-Differential Equation”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 42:3 (2021), 526 - 535
A. T. Assanova, A. P. Sabalakhova, Z. M. Toleukhanova, “On the Unique Solvability of a Family of Boundary Value Problems for Integro-Differential Equations of Mixed Type”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 42:6 (2021), 1228-1238
А. Т. Асанова, А. Жоламанкызы, “О семействе двухточечных краевых задач для нагруженных дифференциальных уравнений”, Известия вузов. Математика, 2021, № 9, 13–24; A. T. Assanova, A. Zholamankyzy, “A family of two-point boundary value problems for loaded differential equations”, Russian Mathematics, 65:9 (2021), 10–20
A. T. Assanova, A. Zholamankyzy, “Problem with data on the characteristics for a loaded system of hyperbolic equations”, Вестн. Удмуртск. ун-та. Матем. Мех. Компьют. науки, 31:3 (2021), 353–364
А. Т. Асанова, Ш. Н. Нурмуканбет, “О решении краевой задачи для интегро-дифференциальных уравнений со слабо сингулярными ядрами”, Известия вузов. Математика, 2021, № 11, 3–15; A. T. Assanova, S. N. Nurmukanbet, “A solution to a boundary-value problem for integro-differential equations with weakly singular kernels”, Russian Mathematics, 65:11 (2021), 1–13
А. Т. Асанова, Ш. Т. Шекербекова, “О начально-краевой задаче для системы нагруженных дифференциальных уравнений четвертого порядка”, Дифференциальные уравнения и математическая физика, Итоги науки и техн. Сер. Соврем. мат. и ее прил. Темат. обз., 198, ВИНИТИ РАН, М., 2021, 3–21
A. T. Assanova, “Hyperbolic equation with piecewise-constant argument of generalized type and solving boundary value problems for it”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 42:15 (2021), 3584–3593
A. D. Abildayeva, R. M. Kaparova, A. T. Assanova, “To a unique solvability of a problem with integral condition for integro-differential equation”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 42:12 (2021), 2697–2706
O. N. Stanzhytskyi, A. T. Assanova, M. A. Mukash, “Averaging method and two-sided bounded solutions on the axis of systems with impulsive effects at non-fixed times”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 104:4 (2021), 142–150
O. N. Stanzhytskyi, A. T. Assanova, M. A. Mukash, “Averaging method and two-sided bounded solutions on the axis of systems with impulsive effects at non-fixed times”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 104:4 (2021), 142-150
A. T. Assanova, N. B. Iskakova, N. T. Orumbayeva, “On the well‐posedness of periodic problems for the system of hyperbolic equations with finite time delay”, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 43:2 (2020), 881-902 , First published: 30 October 2019 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mma.5970
A. T. Assanova, A. E. Imanchiyev, Zh. M. Kadirbayeva, “A nonlocal problem for loaded partial differential equations of fourth order”, Bulletin of the Karaganda university-Mathematics, 97:1 (2020), 6–16
А. Т. Асанова, Э. А. Бакирова, Ж. М. Кадирбаева, “Численное решение задачи управления для интегродифференциальных уравнений”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 60:2 (2020), 197–-215; A. T. Assanova, E. A. Bakirova, Z. M. Kadirbayeva, “Numerical Solution to a Control Problem for Integro-Differential Equations”, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 60:2 (2020), 203–-221
A. T. Assanova, A. D. Abildayeva, A. P. Sabalakhova, “An initial-boundary value problem for a higher-order partial differential equation”, News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Series Physico-Mathematical, 2:302 (2020), 133–141
А. Т. Асанова, Ж. С. Токмурзин, “Об одном подходе к решению начально-краевой задачи для системы гиперболических уравнений четвертого порядка”, Математические Заметки, 108:1 (2020), 3–16; A. T. Assanova, Zh. S. Tokmurzin, “An Approach to the Solution of the Initial Boundary-Value Problem for Systems of Fourth-Order Hyperbolic Equations”, Mathematical Notes, 108:1 (2020), 3–14
A. T. Assanova, S. S. Kabdrakhova, “Modification of the Euler Polygonal Method for Solving a Semi-periodic Boundary Value Problem for Pseudo-parabolic Equation of Special Type”, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 17:4 (2020), No. 109
A. T. Assanova, E. A. Bakirova, Z. M. Kadirbayeva & R. E. Uteshova, “A computational method for solving a problem with parameter for linear systems of integro-differential equations”, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 39:3 (2020), No. 248
A. T. Assanova, Z. K. Dzhobulaeva, A. E. Imanchiyev, “A Multi-Point Initial Problem for a Non-Classical System of a Partial Differential Equations”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 41:6 (2020), 1031-–1042
A. T. Assanova, Z. S. Tokmurzin, “A nonlocal multipoint problem for a system of fourth-order partial differential equations”, Eurasian Mathematical Journal, 11:3 (2020), 8–20;
A. T. Assanova, Z. S. Tokmurzin, “Boundary Value Problem for System of Pseudo-Hyperbolic Equations of the Fourth Order with Nonlocal Condition”, Russian Mathematics, 64:9 (2020), 1-14
A. T. Assanova, A. D. Abildayeva, A. B. Tleulessova, “Nonlocal Problems for the Fourth Order Impulsive Partial Differential Equations”, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 4th International Conference on Differential and Difference Equations with Applications, ICDDEA 2019; (Lisbon; Portugal; 1 July 2019 - 5 July 2019;), Код 250589, 333, ред. Pinelas S.,Graef J.R.,Hilger S.,Kloeden P.,Schinas C., Springer, Cham, 2020, 81-94https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-56323-3
A. T. Assanova, E. A. Bakirova, G. K. Vassilina, “Well-posedness of problem with parameter for an integro-differential equation”, Analysis (Germany), 40:4 (2020), 175-191
A. T. Assanova, Z. S. Tokmurzin, “Method of functional parametrization for solving a semi-periodic initial problem for fourth-order partial differential equations”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University- Mathematics, 100:4 (2020), 5–16
A. D. Abildayeva, A. T. Assanova, B. B. Minglibayeva, “An existence solution to an identification parameter problem for higher-order partial differential equations”, International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 11:1 (2020), 28-35
А. Т. Асанова, Ж. С. Токмурзин, “Краевая задача для системы псевдогиперболических уравнений четвертого порядка с нелокальным условием”, Известия вузов. Математика, 2020, № 9, 3–14; A. T. Assanova, Zh. S. Tokmurzin, “Boundary value problem for system of pseudo-hyperbolic equations of the fourth order with nonlocal condition”, Russian Mathematics, 64:9 (2020), 1–11
А. Т. Асанова, Е. А. Бакирова, Ж. М. Кадирбаева, “Численное решение задачи управления для интегродифференциальных уравнений”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 60:2 (2020), 197–215; A. T. Assanova, E. A. Bakirova, Zh. M. Kadirbaeva, “Numerical solution to a control problem for integro-differential equations”, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 60:2 (2020), 203–221
А. Т. Асанова, “О решении начально-краевой задачи для системы дифференциальных уравнений в частных производных третьего порядка”, Известия вузов. Математика, 2019, № 4, 15–26; A. T. Assanova, “Solution of initial-boundary value problem for a system of partial differential equations of the third order”, Russian Mathematics, 63:4 (2019), 12-22
A. T. Assanova, A. A. Boichuk, Z. S. Tokmurzin, “On the initial-boundary value problem for system of the partial differential equations of fourth order”, News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Series Physico-Mathematical, 1:323 (2019), 14-21
Anar Assanova, “An integral-boundary value problem for a partial differential equation of second order”, Turkish Journal of Mathematics, 43:4 (2019), 1967-1978 (Available online: 30.05.2019)
A. T. Assanova, E. A. Bakirova, Zh. M. Kadirbayeva, “Numerical implementation of solving a boundary value problem for a system of loaded differential equations with parameter”, News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Series Physico-Mathematical, 3:325 (2019), 77-84
А. Т. Асанова, А. Е. Иманчиев, Ж. М. Кадирбаева, “О разрешимости нелокальной задачи для системы дифференциальных уравнений соболевского типа с многоточечным условием”, Изв. вузов. Матем., 2019, № 12, 3–15; A. T. Assanova, A. E. Imanchiyev, Zh. M. Kadirbayeva, “Solvability of nonlocal problems for systems of Sobolev-type differential equations with a multipoint condition”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 63:12 (2019), 1–12
A. T. Assanova, E. A. Bakirova, Zh. M. Kadirbayeva, “Numerically approximate method for solving of a control problem for integro-differential equations of parabolic type”, News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Series Physico-Mathematical, 6:328 (2019), 14-24
А. Т. Асанова, Г. К. Василина, А. Е. Иманчиев, “О начально-краевой задаче для интегро-дифференциальных уравнений третьего порядка”, Нелiнiйнi коливання (Nonlinear Oscillations), 22:3 (2019), 291-311; A. T. Assanova, G. K. Vasilina, A. E. Imanchiev, “Initial-Boundary-Value Problem for an Integrodifferential Equation of the Third Order”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), 253:2 (2021), 181-203
Э. А. Бакирова , Н. Б. Искакова, А. Т. Асанова, “Численный метод решения линейной краевой задачи для интегро-дифференциальных уравнений на основе сплайн-аппроксимации”, Украинский Математический Журнал, 71:9 (2019), 1176–1191; E. A. Bakirova, N. B. Iskakova, A. T. Assanova, “Numerical Method for the Solution of Linear Boundary-Value Problems for Integrodifferential Equations Based on Spline Approximations”, Ukranian Mathematical Journal, 71:9 (2020), 1341–-1358
А. Т. Асанова, А. Б. Тлеулесова, “Нелокальная задача для системы дифференциальных уравнений в частных производных высокого порядка с импульсными воздействиями”, Украинский Математический Журнал, 71:12 (2019), 1587–1606; A. T. Assanova and A. B. Tleulessova, “Nonlocal problem for a system of partial differential equations of higher order with pulsed actions”, Ukranian Mathematical Journal, 71:12 (2020), 1821–1842
A. T. Assanova, E. A. Bakirova, Z. M. Kadirbayeva, “Numerical solution of a control problem for ordinary differential equations with multipoint integral condition”, International Journal of Mathematics and Physics, 10:2 (2019), 4-10
A. T. Assanova, A. P. Sabalakhova, “On the unique solvability of nonlocal problems with integral conditions for a hybrid system of partial differential equations”, Eurasian Mathematical Journal, 9:3 (2018), 14–24
А. Т. Асанова, А. Е. Иманчиев, Ж. М. Кадирбаева, “О численном решении систем обыкновенных нагруженных дифференциальных уравнений с многоточечными условиями”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 58:4 (2018), 520–529; A. T. Assanova, A. E. Imanchiyev, Zh. M. Kadirbayeva, “Numerical solution of systems of loaded ordinary differential equations with multipoint conditions”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 58:4 (2018), 508–516
A. T. Assanova, Z. M. Kadirbayeva, “Periodic problem for an impulsive system of the loaded hyperbolic equations”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2018:72 (2018), 1-8
А. Т. Асанова, “О нелокальной задаче с интегральными условиями для системы гиперболических уравнений”, Дифференц. уравнения, 54:2 (2018), 202-214; A. T. Assanova, “On a nonlocal problem with integral conditions for the system of hyperbolic equations”, Differ. Equ., 54:2 (2018), 201-214
A. T. Assanova, Z. M. Kadirbayeva, “On the numerical algorithms of parametrization method for solving a two-point boundary-value problem for impulsive systems of loaded differential equations”, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 37:4 (2018), 4966-4976
A. T. Asanova, N. B. Iskakova, N. T. Orumbayeva, “Well-posedness of a periodic boundary value problem for the system of hyperbolic equations with delayed argument”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 89:1 (2018), 8-14
A. T. Assanova, A. E. Imanchiyev, “On the unique solvability of a family of multipoint-integral boundary value problems for a third order differential equation”, Bulletin of the Karaganda university-Mathematics, 90:2 (2018), 25-33
A. T. Assanova, A. P. Sabalakhova, Z. M. Toleukhanova, “On the solving of initial-boundary value problem for system of partial differential equations of the third order”, News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Series Physico-Mathematical, 3:319 (2018), 67-73
A. T. Assanova, B. Zh. Alikhanova, K. Zh. Nazarova, “Well-posedness of a nonlocal problem with integral conditions for third order system of the partial differential equations”, News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Series Physico-Mathematical, 5:321 (2018), 33-41
А. Т. Асанова, “К теории нелокальных задач с интегральными условиями для систем уравнений гиперболического типа”, Украинский Математический Журнал, 70:10 (2018), 1313-1323; A. T. Assanova, “On the theory of nonlocal problems with integral conditions for systems of equations of hyperbolic type”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 70:10 (2019), 1514-1525
А. Т. Асанова, “Нелокальная задача с интегральными условиями для системы гиперболических уравнений в характеристическом прямоугольнике”, Известия вузов. Математика, 2017, № 5, 11–25; A. T. Assanova, “Nonlocal problem with integral conditions for a system of hyperbolic equations in characteristic rectangle”, Russian Mathematics, 61:5 (2017), 7–20
А. Т. Асанова, “Периодические на плоскости решения системы гиперболических уравнений второго порядка”, Математические заметки, 101:1 (2017), 20–30; A. T. Asanova, “Periodic Solutions in the Plane of Systems of Second-Order Hyperbolic Equations”, Mathematical Notes, 101:1 (2017), 39–47
A. T. Assanova, “Solvability of a nonlocal problem for a hyperbolic equation with integral conditions”, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2017:170 (2017), 1-12
А. Т. Асанова, Ж. М. Кадирбаева, Е. А. Бакирова, “Об однозначной разрешимости нелокальной краевой задачи для систем нагруженных гиперболических уравнений с импульсными воздействиями”, Украинский Математический Журнал, 69:8 (2017), 1011-1029; A. T. Asanova, Z. M. Kadirbaeva, E. A. Bakirova, “About of an unique solvability of a nonlocal boundary value problem for the loaded systems of hyperbolic equations with impulse effects”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 69:8 (2018), 1175-1195
A. T. Assanova, E. A. Bakirova, Zh. M. Kadirbayeva, “Method for solving the periodic problem for an impulsive system of hyperbolic integro-differential equations”, AIP Conference Proceedings. International Conference on Functional Analysis in Interdisciplinary Applications, FAIA 2017 (Astana; Kazakhstan; 2–5 October, 2017), AIP Conference Proceedings, 1880, eds. Kalmenov T. and Sadybekov M., American Institute of Physics, Melville, NY, 2017, 040004
A. T. Assanova, A. E. Imanchiev, “Solvability of multipoint-integral boundary value problem for a third-order differential equation and parametrization method”, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics. International Conference on Functional analysis in interdisciplinary applications, FAIA 2017. (Astana, Kazakhstan, 2-5, October, 2017), 216, eds. Nursultanov E.D.,Kalmenov T.,Sadybekov M.A.,Ruzhansky M.V., Springer Nature, Springer New York LLC, 2017, 113-122
А. Т. Асанова, “Об одном подходе к решению нелокальной задачи для систем гиперболических уравнений с интегральными условиями”, Нелiнiйнi коливання (Nonlinear Oscillations), 20:4 (2017), 435-450; A. T. Asanova, “One Approach to the Solution of a Nonlocal Problem for Systems of Hyperbolic Equations with Integral Conditions”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences (United States), 238:3 (2019), 189-206
A. T. Assanova, A. E. Imanchiev, Zh. M. Kadirbayeva, “On the unique solvability of a multi-point problem for system of the loaded differential equations hyperbolic type”, News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Series Physico-Mathematical, 2:312 (2017), 12-17
A. T. Assanova, H. A. Ashirbaev, A. P. Sabalakhova, “On the nonlocal problem for a system of the partial integro-differential equations of hyperbolic type”, News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Series Physico-Mathematical, 4:314 (2017), 11-18
A. T. Assanova, “Application of polygonal method to solve of periodic problem for loaded and integro-differential parabolic equations”, News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Series Physico-Mathematical, 6:316 (2017), 5-13
А. Т. Асанова, “Признаки однозначной разрешимости нелокальной краевой задачи для систем гиперболических уравнений со смешанными производными”, Известия вузов. Математика, 2016, № 5, 3–21; A. T. Asanova, “Criteria of unique solvability of nonlocal boundary-value problem for systems of hyperbolic equations with mixed derivatives”, Russian Mathematics, 60:5 (2016), 1–17
A. T. Assanova, “On the solvability of nonlocal boundary value problem for the systems of impulsive hyperbolic equations with mixed derivatives”, Discontinuity, Nonlinearity and Complexity, 5:2 (2016), 153-165
A. T. Assanova, A. E. Imanchiev, “On the solvability of a nonlocal boundary value problem for a loaded hyperbolic equations with multi-point conditions”, Bulletin of the Karaganda University-Mathematics, 81:1 (2016), 15-25
A. T. Assanova, A. E. Imanchiev, “On conditions of the solvability of nonlocal multi-point boundary value problems for quasi-linear systems of hyperbolic equations”, Eurasian Mathematical Journal, 6:4 (2015), 19–28
А. Т. Асанова, “О корректной разрешимости нелокальной краевой задачи для систем гиперболических уравнений с импульсными воздействиями”, Украинский математический журнал, 67:3 (2015), 291-303; A. T. Asanova, “Well-posed solvability of a nonlocal boundary-value problem for the systems of hyperbolic equations with impulse effects”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 67:3 (2015), 333-346
A. T. Asanova, “On solvability of nonlinear boundary value problems with integral condition for the system of hyperbolic equations”, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 2015:63 (2015), 1-13
А. Т. Асанова, “О многоточечной задаче для системы гиперболических уравнений со смешанной производной”, Нелiнiйнi коливання (Нелинейные колебания), 17:3 (2014), 295-313; A. T. Asanova, “Multipoint problem for a system of hyperbolic equations with mixed derivative”, J. Math. Sci. (United States), 212:3 (2016), 213-233
A. T. Asanova, D. S. Dzhumabaev, “Well-posedness of nonlocal boundary value problems with integral condition for the system of hyperbolic equations”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 402:1 (2013), 167-178
А. Т. Асанова, “О нелокальной краевой задаче для систем гиперболических уравнений с импульсными воздействиями”, Украинский математический журнал, 65:3 (2013), 315-328; A. T. Asanova, “On a Nonlocal Boundary-Value Problem for Systems of Impulsive Hyperbolic Equations”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 65:3 (2013), 349-365
А. Т. Асанова, “О краевой задаче с данными на нехарактеристических пересекающихся линиях для систем гиперболических уравнений со смешанной производной”, Нелiнiйнi коливання (Нелинейные колебания), 15:1 (2012), 3-12; A. T. Asanova, “On a boundary-value problem with data on noncharacteristic intersecting lines for systems of hyperbolic equations with mixed derivative”, J. Math. Sci. (United States), 187:4 (2012), 375-386
А. Т. Асанова, Д. С. Джумабаев, “Признаки корректной разрешимости линейной нелокальной краевой задачи для систем гиперболических уравнений”, Доповiдi НАН Украiни, 2010, № 4, 7-11
А. Т. Асанова, “Об однозначной разрешимости нелокальной краевой задачи с данными на пересекающихся линиях для систем гиперболических уравнений”, Дифференц. уравнения, 45:3 (2009), 373-381; A. T. Asanova, “On the unique solvability of a nonlocal boundary value problem with data on intersecting lines for systems of hyperbolic equations”, Differ. Equ., 45:3 (2009), 385 - 394
А. Т. Асанова, “Об однозначной разрешимости семейства двухточечных краевых задач для систем обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений”, Фундамент. и прикл. матем., 12:4 (2006), 21–39; A. T. Asanova, “On the unique solvability of a family of two-point boundary-value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations”, J. Math. Sci., 150:5 (2008), 2302–2316
А. Т. Асанова, “О нелокальной краевой задаче для систем квазилинейных гиперболических уравнений”, Доклады Академии наук, 411:1 (2006), 5-9; A. T. Asanova, “A Nonlocal Boundary Value Problem for Systems of Quasilinear Hyperbolic Equations”, Doklady Mathematics, 74:3 (2006), 787-790
А. Т. Асанова, Д. С. Джумабаев, “Корректная разрешимость нелокальных краевых задач для систем гиперболических уравнений”, Дифференц. уравнения, 41:3 (2005), 337–346; A. T. Asanova, D. S. Dzhumabaev, “Well-Posed Solvability of Nonlocal Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Hyperbolic Equations”, Differ. Equ., 41:3 (2005), 352–363
А. Т. Асанова, Д. С. Джумабаев, “Периодические и ограниченные на плоскости решения систем гиперболических уравнений”, Украинский математический журнал, 56:4 (2004), 562-572; A. T. Asanova, D. S. Dzhumabaev, “Periodic solutions of systems of hyperbolic equations bounded on a plane”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 56:4 (2004), 682-694
А. Т. Асанова, Д. С. Джумабаев, “Однозначная разрешимость нелокальных краевых задач для систем гиперболических уравнений”, Дифференц. уравнения, 39:10 (2003), 1343–1354; A. T. Asanova, D. S. Dzhumabaev, “Unique Solvability of Nonlocal Boundary Value Problems for Systems of Hyperbolic Equations”, Differ. Equ., 39:10 (2003), 1414–1427
А. Т. Асанова, Д. С. Джумабаев, “Ограниченные решения систем гиперболических уравнений и их аппроксимация”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 43:8 (2003), 1183–1200; A. T. Asanova, D. S. Dzhumabaev, “Bounded solutions to systems of hyperbolic equations and their approximations”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 43:8 (2003), 1132–1148
А. Т. Асанова, Д. С. Джумабаев, “О корректной разрешимости нелокальной краевой задачи для систем гиперболических уравнений”, Доклады Академии Наук (Doklady Academii Nauk), 391:3 (2003), 295-298; A. T. Asanova, D. S. Dzhumabaev, “Correct Solvability of a NonlocaHyperbolic Equationsl Boundary Value Problem for Systems of Hyperbolic Equations”, Doklady Mathematics, 68:1 (2003), 46-49
А. Т. Асанова, Д. С. Джумабаев, “Однозначная разрешимость краевой задачи с данными на характеристиках для систем гиперболических уравнений”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 42:11 (2002), 1673–1685; A. T. Asanova, D. S. Dzhumabaev, “Unique solvability of a boundary value problem with data on the characteristics for systems of hyperbolic equations”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 42:11 (2002), 1609–1621
А. Т. Асанова, “К вопросу об ограниченном почти периодическом решении полулинейного параболического уравнения”, Украинский математический журнал, 52:6 (2000), 828-830; A. T. Asanova, “To problem on bounded almost periodic solution for semi-linear parabolic equation”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 52:6 (2000), 950-952
А. Т. Асанова, “Почти периодическое решение полулинейного параболического уравнения”, Дифференц. уравнения, 34:12 (1998), 1697–1698; A. T. Asanova, “An almost periodic solution of a semilinear parabolic equation”, Differ. Equ., 34:12 (1998), 1705–1707