Central Laboratory for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria
Адрес: Bulgaria, 1113, Sofia, Acad. G. Bonchev st., 25A
Персоналий: 1
Авторов: 2
Публикаций: 5

Персоналии: Андреев Андрей Б
Сендов Благовест Христов

Central Laboratory for Parallel Processing, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BulgariaThe Institute for Parallel Processing (IPP) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has a leading position among the scientific institutions in Bulgaria in the fields of Computer Science, Networks and Distributed Systems, Scientific Computations, Supercomputing, Linguistic Modeling and Communications and Control. It performs research, consultations, projects and high quality education in its fields of interest. The activities of IPP are oriented mainly to the creation and usage of advanced mathematical and computer technologies. During the last years, fundamental results in different areas of the Theoretical Informatics and Scientific Computations have been obtained. They have been motivated by the developed by the Institute staff methods, algorithms and software as well as by introducing advanced information technology and computer facilities. Nowadays, the scientific strategy of IPP consists of the development of new high-performance algorithms for parallel computers with shared and distributed memory, including clusters of workstations, distributed systems, tools for network security monitoring and management, etc. The results obtained by the staff of the Institute have been applied in different fields such as ecology, engineering, computer technology, information systems, etc. The Institute is responsible for the technical management, monitoring and maintenance of the National Research and Educational Network (NREN). The main node of NREN is in the Institute and is connected to GEANT via fiber optic with high speed. IPP is a leading institution in the country on the development of the foundations, software infrastructures and applications for GRID technologies. Annually the scientists from the Institute publish about 140 papers, and about 100 are in refereed international journals and proceedings of high quality international conferences in the fields of the main laboratory activities. The Institute for Parallel Processing (IPP) at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has a leading position among the scientific institutions in Bulgaria in the fields of Computer Science, Networks and Distributed Systems, Scientific Computations, Supercomputing, Linguistic Modeling and Communications and Control. It performs research, consultations, projects and high quality education in its fields of interest.

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Другие названия организации:
  • Center for Informatics and Computer Technology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
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