İstanbul University, Turkey
Адрес: Turkey, 34452, Eminonu-Istanbul, Beyazit Campus
Телефон: +90 (212) 440 00 00
Персоналий: 2
Авторов: 2
Публикаций: 5

Персоналии: Koca Basak Beyaz
Садык Назим

İstanbul University, TurkeyOne of the main characteristics of Istanbul University is its leadership in higher education for centuries. It has played a guiding and influential role in the social and cultural life of our country. We can clearly see this when we trace the line of historical development of the University.

Istanbul University, as one of the oldest educational institutions, not only of Turkey, but also of the world, was founded when Mehmet the Conqueror conquered Istanbul. Education began to be available in theological schools ("medrese/madrasah" as they were then called) and, until the end of the 16th century, these schools were instrumental in educating the ruling cadres of the Ottoman society. However, when the "madrasahs" were no longer able to meet the needs of the modern world, a restructuring process began, and as a result, the institutions of higher education called "Darulfunun", the core of Istanbul University, were established. Through the educational reforms, introduced by the founder of the Turkish Republic, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk , the "madrasahs" were abolished in 1924. As a first step in modernization, the Istanbul Darьlfьnun was established, comprising the departments of medicine, law, literature, theology, and science. The institution was renamed "Istanbul University" in accordance with Ataturk's University Reform, and higher education was restructured in Turkey to meet the demands of contemporary society. During these early years, Istanbul University welcomed foreign academics who fled Germany as teaching staff.

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