Utsunomiya University, Japan
Адрес: Japan, Utsunomiya
Телефон: 028 649 8649
Персоналий: 8
Авторов: 8
Публикаций: 5

Персоналии: Barada Daisuke
Kawata Shigeo
Sakai K
Sato Dai
Takahashi Kohki
Yajima Tetsu
Ирие А
Сузуки Т

Utsunomiya University, JapanUtsunomiya University consists of four faculties that offer distinctive undergraduate programs: International Studies, Education, Engineering, and Agriculture. Graduate programs in these fields are offered through the university's four graduate schools. In addition, the medium-sized university has an impressive array of affiliated research institutes, such as the Center for Research on Wild Plants and the Cooperative Research Center, and is actively contributing to international as well as local communities. Each faculty's four-year, integrated system of undergraduate education aims to develop its students' expertise as well as their depth and breadth of knowledge, thereby preparing students to shape the future with the power of intelligence and character. The advanced professional training programs at the graduate schools aim to cultivate students' minds for greater creativity and flexibility. To achieve these aims, we uphold the philosophy that all faculty members improve together through constant, mutual encouragement and friendly competition and contribute to the development of domestic and global communities over a spectrum of academic and educational fields.

Tochigi Prefecture, where the university is located, embraces many cultural and historic features and abundant natural beauty: the remains of Ashikaga Gakko(Ashikaga School),which is considered the oldest university in the country, the temples and shrines of the World Heritage site Nikko, and Nikko National Park, to mention just a few. The prefecture also has promoted a well-balanced development of industry, commerce, agriculture, and livestock industry. The city of Utsunomiya, Located within a 50-minute reach from Tokyo by train, and has the country's largest inland "technopolis", a center of integrated high technology.

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