University of Vaasa, Finland
Адрес: Finland, FIN-65101, Vaasa, Wolffintie, 34
Телефон: +358 (63) 24 81 11
Персоналий: 3
Авторов: 2
Публикаций: 5

Персоналии: Sottinen Tommi
Байдюк Д В
Хасси Сеппо

University of Vaasa, FinlandThe University of Vaasa is a multidisciplinary University offering degrees at all academic levels from Bachelor's to Doctor's. It works in close cooperation with its surrounding region of Ostrobothnia and values internationalisation in its degrees and research. The teaching and research activities of the University are widely based, their focus being on business studies, administration, technology, languages and culture. The maritime campus presents a modern study environment for 5000 students.

The University functions in four faculties. Flexible opportunities for studying are among the strengths of our academic community. The business studies teaching and research of the University are of high national standard, and the University of Vaasa is the second largest provider of business studies in Finland. key areas within business studies at our University include the study of financing and financial markets, entrepeneurship, consumer behaviour, and internalisation of enterprises. The humanities and social sciences have their own strength areas, such as intercultural communication, languages for special purposes, lanhuage immersion, and comparative administrative sciences. In the field of technology, the University's areas of expertise are automation technology, electrical engineering, computer science and telecommunications engineering.

The University of Vaasa occupies one of Finland's newest campus areas close to the sea. Three of the faculties are situated in a former Cotton Mill, which has been skillfully renovated. There are also apartments for visiting guest lecturers as well as students' lodgins in traditional Finnish wooden houses in the area. The modern Finnish architecture along with the old buildings creates an interesting milieu. The campus is located in Palosaari, an area about 15 minutes' walk from the centre of Vaasa.

The geogaphical position and Nordic innovation of Finland have brought various nuances into academic education and research. In addition to Nordic economics, one typical aspect and speciality of the University of Vaasa is its familiarity and contacts with the economic region of the East. Another field of expertise us the comparative study of the structures of the Nordic welfare state from an international point of view. Swedish as well as Finnish and the cultures of these two linguistic groups can be most effectively studied in their natural bilingual environment.

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