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Математические заметки, 2023, том 114, выпуск 6, статья опубликована в англоязычной версии журнала (Mi mzm14272)  

Эта публикация цитируется в 3 научных статьях (всего в 3 статьях)

A New Approach to Grand and Small Norms in Discrete Lebesgue Spaces

E. I. Berezhnoiab, A. N. Karapetyantscb

a P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl, 150000, Russia
b Regional Mathematical Center, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russia
c Institute of Mathematics, Mechanics and Computer Sciences, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russia
Аннотация: We present a new approach to the definition of Grand and Small discrete Lebesgue spaces. Previously, we developed such an approach in the continuous case. The fundamental difference of our studies is that we base the definition of norms on extrapolation theory, and our approach permits including the extreme cases $p=1$ and $p=\infty$ into consideration, which is the main result of the study presented here. The Small space for $p=\infty$ is realized as the sum
\begin{equation*} l^{s}(\xi)\equiv \sum _{p \in [2, \infty)} \xi(p) l^{p} \end{equation*}
of spaces with a certain fundamental function $\xi$, and the Grand space $l^{g}(\zeta)$ for $p=1$ is given by the product
\begin{equation*} l^{g}(\zeta)\equiv \bigcap_{p \in (1, 2]} \zeta(p) l^{p} \end{equation*}
of spaces with a certain fundamental function $\zeta$. As one of the main results, we show that if the function $\xi$ satisfies the $\Delta_2$ (doubling) condition, then the space $l^{s}(\xi)$ coincides, up to norm equivalence, with the discrete Lorentz space $\lambda(\psi)$, where $\psi(k) \simeq \xi(1/\ln k)$. We also show that if the function $\zeta$ satisfies the $\Delta_2$ condition, then the space $l^{g}(\zeta)$ coincides, up to norm equivalence, with the discrete Marcinkiewicz space $m(\psi)$, where $\psi(k) \simeq k/(\zeta(1/\ln k))$. We expect that our general new construction of the norms in Grand and Small discrete Lebesgue spaces will imply further studies of the spaces and operators in these spaces in such a general setting.
Ключевые слова: Grand Lebesgue space, Small Lebesgue space, symmetric space.
Финансовая поддержка Номер гранта
Министерство науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации 075-02-2023-924
Министерство образования и науки Республики Казахстан AP19677486
Российский фонд фундаментальных исследований 20-51-46003
Evgeny Berezhnoi and Alexey Karapetyants acknowledge the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, agreement No. 075-02-2023-924. Evgeny Berezhnoi’s research is also supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, grant no. AP19677486. Alexey Karapetyants is also partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project 20-51-46003.
Поступило: 06.11.2023
Исправленный вариант: 06.11.2023
Англоязычная версия:
Mathematical Notes, 2023, Volume 114, Issue 6, Pages 1118–1133
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0001434623110457
Реферативные базы данных:
Тип публикации: Статья
Язык публикации: английский
Образец цитирования: E. I. Berezhnoi, A. N. Karapetyants, “A New Approach to Grand and Small Norms in Discrete Lebesgue Spaces”, Math. Notes, 114:6 (2023), 1118–1133
Цитирование в формате AMSBIB
\by E.~I.~Berezhnoi, A.~N.~Karapetyants
\paper A New Approach to Grand and Small Norms in Discrete Lebesgue Spaces
\jour Math. Notes
\yr 2023
\vol 114
\issue 6
\pages 1118--1133
Образцы ссылок на эту страницу:
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/mzm14272
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