Эта публикация цитируется в 6 научных статьях (всего в 6 статьях)
Salt metathesis reactions of LnCl3 (Sc, Y vs. Sm, Yb) with potassium diphenylmethanide {[2,2'-(4-MeC6H3NMe2)2CH]K(THF)}2
D. O. Khristolyubova, D. M. Lyubova, A. V. Cherkasova, G. K. Fukina, A. A. Trifonovab a G.A. Razuvaev Institute of Organometallic Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russian Federation
b A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Organoelement Compounds of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
The outcome of salt metathesis reactions between the equimolar amounts of LnCl3 and dimeric potassium diphenylmethanide {[2,2'-(4-MeC6H3NMe2)2CH]K(THF)}2
depends on the rare-earth metal ion. In the case of ScIII and YIII, the reactions afford chlorido-bis(diphenylmethanido) complexes {[2,2'-(4-MeC6H3NMe2)2CH]2LnIII(μ-Cl)}2, in which the diphenylmethanido ligands perform bidentate k2-CN coordination according to the X-ray data. For YbIII and SmIII, these reactions result in the spontaneous reduction of LnIII to LnII and the formation of known bis(diphenylmethanido) complexes [2,2'-(4-MeC6H3NMe2)2CH]2LnII and the product of oxidative coupling of diphenylmethanido
Ключевые слова:
rare-earth metals, diphenylmethanides, synthesis, structure, oxidative coupling.
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