Using a mouse model, an organ distribution for microgels of carboxymethyl cellulose cross-linked with 67Cu2+ ions was investigated and compared with the distribution of free 67Cu2+ ions from 67CuCl2. The clearance of the microgels through both liver and kidneys was demonstrated. An additional examination of distribution for [3H]CMC microparticles and [3H]CMC–Cu microgels revealed no copper release from the microgels in vivo.
Образец цитирования:
M. A. Orlova, V. V. Spiridonov, G. A. Badun, T. P. Trofimova, A. P. Orlov, A. S. Zolotova, A. B. Priselkova, G. Yu. Aleshin, M. G. Chernysheva, A. A. Yaroslavov, S. N. Kalmykov, “In vivo behavior of carboxymethylcellulose based microgels containing 67Cu”, Mendeleev Commun., 32:5 (2022), 658–660
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