Enthalpies of formation in gas phase of three series of energetic derivatives of triazido-s-triazine containing propynyloxy, propynylamine and methylpropynylamine groups were calculated using G4 method. Contributions of each group to the enthalpy of formation of the discussed compounds were estimated in order to apply the increment method for quick estimation of this thermodynamic parameter for substituted s-triazines.
Ключевые слова:
G4-enthalpy of formation, triazido-s-triazine, s-triazine derivatives, group-contribution to the enthalpy.
Образец цитирования:
S. V. Karpov, A. O. Petrov, G. V. Malkov, E. R. Badamshina, “The Gaussian G4 enthalpy of formation of propargylamine and propargyloxy derivatives of triazido-s-triazine”, Mendeleev Commun., 32:3 (2022), 338–340
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