The Michael–Mannich–cyclization cascade of dicyano olefins, 1-(2-alkoxy-2-oxoethyl)pyridin-1-ium halogenides, aromatic aldehydes and ammonium acetate provides convenient stereoselective formation of (4,6-diaryl-5,5-dicyano-2-oxo-piperidin-3-yl)pyridin-1-ium halogenides with three stereogenic centres. Ammonium acetate plays dual role acting as a base and as a nitrogen source.
Образец цитирования:
A. D. Vinokurov, T. M. Iliyasov, K. A. Karpenko, A. V. Evstigneeva, A. P. Minaeva, M. N. Elinson, A. N. Vereshchagin, “Highly diastereoselective multicomponent synthesis of pyridinium-substituted piperidin-2-ones with three stereogenic centres”, Mendeleev Commun., 33:6 (2023), 762–763
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A. D. Vinokurov, T. M. Iliyasov, K. A. Karpenko, A. B. Valeev, A. N. Fakhrutdinov, M. N. Elinson, A. N. Vereshchagin, “One-pot formation of six bonds: pseudo-six-component diastereoselective synthesis of pyridinium-containing piperidin-2-ones”, Russ Chem Bull, 73:5 (2024), 1261