[2σ + 2σ + 2π]-Cycloaddition of quadricyclane to trissilylated ethenes Cl3–nMenSiCH=CSiMenCl3–n(SiMe3–nCln) (n = 1, 2) at 95°C affords 3,3,4-trissilylated exo-tricyclo[,5]non-7-enes. Tetrakis(trichlorosilyl)ethene does not react with quadricyclane.
Тип публикации:
Язык публикации: английский
Образец цитирования:
P. P. Chapala, M. V. Bermeshev, V. G. Lakhtin, A. M. Genaev, A. N. Tavtorkin, E. Sh. Finkelshtein, “[2σ + 2σ + 2π]-Cycloaddition of quadricyclane to partially methylated chlorosilylalkenes”, Mendeleev Commun., 25:5 (2015), 344–345
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