α-Fluorinated organosilanes Me3SiCF2X serve as versatile reagents for the synthesis of organofluorine compounds. Most reactions start from Lewis base activation of carbon–silicon bond through the intermediacy of five-coordinate siliconate species. Interaction of these silanes with suitable electrophiles leads to products of nucleophilic fluoroalkylation; an alternative pathway involves generation of difluorocarbene. These reagents can also be considered as equivalents of difluoromethylene radical anion and bis(carbanion) when carbon–heteroatom bond C–X is activated.
Тип публикации:
Язык публикации: английский
Образец цитирования:
A. D. Dilman, V. V. Levin, “Synthesis of organofluorine compounds using α-fluorine-substituted silicon reagents”, Mendeleev Commun., 25:4 (2015), 239–244
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