Novel bifunctional acceptor monomer, 2-[bis(5-bromothiophen-2-yl)methylidene]malononitrile, is obtained in three steps in a total yield of 79%. The Stille cross-coupling between this monomer and 2,6-ditin derivative of 4,4-didecyl-4H-silolo[3,2-b: 4,5-b′]dithiophene afforded donor–acceptor polymer whose properties were compared to the analogue containing a planar cyclopenta[2,1-b: 3,4-b′]dithiophene acceptor block. The copolymers have low narrow optical band gaps and effectively absorb visible light, however the former possesses improved solubility and thermal stability as compared to the latter.
Образец цитирования:
F. V. Drozdov, Yu. N. Luponosov, E. A. Svidchenko, S. M. Peregudova, P. V. Dmitryakov, S. N. Chvalun, S. A. Ponomarenko, “Novel conjugated copolymers with dithienyl and cyclopentadithienyl substituted dicyanoethene acceptor blocks”, Mendeleev Commun., 29:5 (2019), 561–563
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