The possibility of using reverse microemulsion based on sodium dodecyl sulfate containing an extractant caproic acid for the selective recovery of non-ferrous metals and their separation from iron in the process of microemulsion leaching has been demonstrated. Using a model system with a mixture of oxides, the following recovery factors of metals are achieved in 5 h of leaching (%): Cu, 47.6; Mn, 12.8; Ni, 9.4; Co, 9.1; Fe, 4.3. When leaching from a sample of oxidized cobalt–copper concentrate, the recovery of metals is as follows (%): Cu, 60.0; Co, 51.3; Mn, 16.5; Fe, 10.0; Ni, 9.3.
Образец цитирования:
N. M. Murashova, E. K. Sharapova, “Leaching of non-ferrous metals using a microemulsion in the system sodium dodecyl sulfate–butanol–caproic acid–kerosene–water”, Mendeleev Commun., 34:3 (2024), 424–426