New PIM-1 copolymers with 2,3,6,7-anthracenetetrayl moiety have been synthesized as fine powders from 2,3,6,7-tetrahydroxy-9,10-di(p-fluorophenyl)anthracene monomer in DMSO, with crystal structure of the monomer as well as its precursors and the product of its model side crosslinking reaction being determined using X-ray diffraction. The microporosity and surface characteristics of the copolymers powders have been measured. As-cast membrane from the copolymer with 5 mol% of the monomer synthesized revealed promising gas separation properties as compared with original PIM-1.
Образец цитирования:
I. I. Ponomarev, K. M. Skupov, K. A. Lyssenko, I. V. Blagodatskikh, A. V. Muranov, Yu. A. Volkova, D. Yu. Razorenov, I. I. Ponomarev, L. E. Starannikova, D. A. Bezgin, A. Yu. Alentiev, Yu. P. Yampolskii, “New PIM-1 copolymers containing 2,3,6,7-anthracenetetrayl moiety and their use as gas separation membranes”, Mendeleev Commun., 30:6 (2020), 734–737
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