New aspects of multicomponent condensation reactions of ethylene/propylenediamine, formaldehyde and unsubstituted and 1-methyl substituted semithio- and dithioglycolurils have been examined. Ethylene-linked 2,3a,4a,6,9,10a,11aheptaaza-6,9-methanobenzo[cd]cyclonona[gh]pentalene and 2,6:10,14-dimethano-2,6,7a,8a,10,14,15a,16a-octaazadicyclodeca[cd,gh]pentalene as well as their simpler analogues were synthesized, and their structures were proved by 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopy, HRMS and X-ray analysis.
Образец цитирования:
V. V. Baranov, Ya. A. Barsegyan, Yu. A. Strelenko, V. A. Karnoukhova, A. N. Kravchenko, “New cage-fused polyaza polycyclic systems based on thioglycolurils and alkanediamines”, Mendeleev Commun., 30:4 (2020), 479–481
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