New 10π-electron stabilized O,N-heterocyclic germylene was synthesized and structurally characterized for the first time. Its reduction with potassium in THF resulted in a unique low-valent germanium compound comprising the conjugated Ge4 chain, which was also characterized by the single crystal X-ray analysis. Bonding aspects in the latter compound have been additionally explored by DFT calculations, which revealed the occurrence of three σ bonds of different (covalent and dative) characters between the Ge atoms.
Образец цитирования:
K. V. Tsys, M. G. Chegerev, G. K. Fukin, A. G. Starikov, A. V. Piskunov, “Low-valent oligogermanium amidophenolate complex comprising a unique Ge4 chain”, Mendeleev Commun., 30:2 (2020), 205–208
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