Письма в Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики, 2007, том 86, выпуск 7, страницы 504–508
(Mi jetpl873)
Эта публикация цитируется в 1 научной статье (всего в 1 статье)
Materializing Superghosts
V. Alexandrovab, D. Krotovcd, A. S. Losevc, V. Lysovcef a P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Theoretical Physics
Division RAS,
b Moscow State University, Department of Physics
c Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics
d Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS
e Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology State
f L. D. Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics RAS
We construct the off-shell Batalin-Vilkovysky (BV) realization of $\mathcal N=1$, $d=10$ Super-Yang-Milk (SYM) with 7 auxillary fields. This becomes possible due to materialized ghost phenomenon. Namely, supersymmetry ghosts are coordinates on a manifold $B$ of 10-dimensional spinors with pure spinors cut out. Auxillary fields are sections of a bundle over $B$, and supersymmetry transformations are nonlinear in ghosts. By integrating out axillary fields we obtain on-shell supersymmetric BV action with terms quadratic in antifields. Exactly this on-shell BV action was obtained in our previous paper after integration out of auxiliary fields in the framework of Pure Spinor Superfield Formalism.
Поступила в редакцию: 14.08.2007
Образец цитирования:
V. Alexandrov, D. Krotov, A. S. Losev, V. Lysov, “Materializing Superghosts”, Письма в ЖЭТФ, 86:7 (2007), 504–508; JETP Letters, 86:7 (2007), 439–443
Образцы ссылок на эту страницу:
https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/jetpl873 https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/jetpl/v86/i7/p504