We analyze the contribution from excitation of the (qˉq)(fˉf),(qˉq)g1...gn(fˉf) Fock states of the photon to high mass diffraction in DIS. We show that the large Q2 behavior of this contribution can be described by the DLLA evolution from the non-perturbative fˉf valence state of the pomeron. Although of higher order in pQCD, the new contribution to high-mass diffraction is comparable to that from the excitation of the qˉqg Fock state of the photon.
Образец цитирования:
N. N. Nikolaev, W. Schäfer, B. G. Zakharov, V. R. Zoller, “Evolution of high-mass diffraction from the light quark valence component of the pomeron”, Письма в ЖЭТФ, 80:6 (2004), 423–428; JETP Letters, 80:6 (2004), 371–376