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Физика твердого тела, 2018, том 60, выпуск 8, страница 1582
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21883/FTT.2018.08.46249.13Gr
(Mi ftt9110)

Международная школа-семинар ''Экситоны в кристаллах и полупроводниковых наноструктурах'', посвященная 120-летию со дня рождения Е. Ф. Гросса, Санкт-Петербург 10-12 октября 2017 года
Оптические свойства

Oscillations of the degree of circular polarization in the optical spin Hall effect

D. Schmidta, B. Bergera, M. Bayerab, C. Schneiderc, S. Höflingc, E. Sedovd, A. Kavokinef, M. Aßmanna

a Experimentelle Physik 2, Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany
b A.F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
c Technische Physik, Universität Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
d Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics, Vladimir State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs, Vladimir, Russia
e School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
f School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom
Аннотация: The optical spin Hall effect appears when elastically scattered exciton polaritons couple to an effective magnetic field inside of quantum wells in semiconductor microcavities. Theory predicts an oscillation of the pseudospin of the exciton polaritons in time. Here, we present a detailed analysis of momentum space dynamics of the exciton polariton pseudospin. Compared to what is predicted by theory, we find a higher modulation of the temporal oscillations of the pseudospin. We attribute the higher modulation to additional components of the effective magnetic field which have been neglected in the foundational theory of the optical spin Hall effect. Adjusting the model by adding non-linear polariton-polariton interactions, we find a good agreement in between the experimental results and simulations.
Финансовая поддержка Номер гранта
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft B7
Российский фонд фундаментальных исследований 16-32-60104
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council N EP/M025330/1
European Union Horizon 2020 644076
We gratefully acknowledge financial support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in the framework of the ICRC TRR 160 within Project N B7. The Würzburg group acknowledges support by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft within Project N SCHN1376-3.1. E.S. acknowledges support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grant N 16-32-60104. A.K. and E.S. acknowledge support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Programme Grant N EP/M025330/1 “Hybrid Polaritonics”. A.K. acknowledges partial support from the HORIZON 2020 RISE project CoExAn (Grant N 644076). A.K. acknowledges support from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research Grant N 15-52-12018.
Англоязычная версия:
Physics of the Solid State, 2018, Volume 60, Issue 8, Pages 1606–1610
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1063783418080206
Реферативные базы данных:
Тип публикации: Статья
Язык публикации: английский
Образец цитирования: D. Schmidt, B. Berger, M. Bayer, C. Schneider, S. Höfling, E. Sedov, A. Kavokin, M. Aßmann, “Oscillations of the degree of circular polarization in the optical spin Hall effect”, Физика твердого тела, 60:8 (2018), 1582; Phys. Solid State, 60:8 (2018), 1606–1610
Цитирование в формате AMSBIB
\by D.~Schmidt, B.~Berger, M.~Bayer, C.~Schneider, S.~H\"ofling, E.~Sedov, A.~Kavokin, M.~A{\ss}mann
\paper Oscillations of the degree of circular polarization in the optical spin Hall effect
\jour Физика твердого тела
\yr 2018
\vol 60
\issue 8
\pages 1582
\jour Phys. Solid State
\yr 2018
\vol 60
\issue 8
\pages 1606--1610
Образцы ссылок на эту страницу:
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ftt9110
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/ftt/v60/i8/p1582
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    Related articles in Google Scholar: Russian articles, English articles
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