Stationary phase method, powers of functions, and applications to functional analysis
H. Quefféleca, R. Zaroufbc a Université Lille Nord de France, USTL, Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, U.M.R. CNRS 8524 et Fédération, CNRS Nord-Pas-de-Calais, FR 2956 F-59 655, Villeneuve d' Ascq Cedex, France
b Aix-Marseille Université, Laboratoire Apprentissage, Didactique, Evaluation, Formation, 32 Rue Eugène Cas CS 90279 13248, Marseille Cedex 04, France
c Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, St.Petersburg State University, 28, Universitetski pr., St. Petersburg, 198504, Russia
The utility of the (weighted) van der Corput inequalities or of the stationary phase method is illustrated with various examples borrowed from: differentiability issues (Riemann's function and related); functional analysis on Banach spaces or algebras of analytic functions (composition operators); and local Banach space geometry (Schäffer's problem).
Ключевые слова:
stationary phase method, powers of functions, Blaschke factors, Wiener space, Dirichlet series, composition operators, Schäffer's problem, Toeplitz operators.
Поступила в редакцию: 14.10.2021
Образец цитирования:
H. Queffélec, R. Zarouf, “Stationary phase method, powers of functions, and applications to functional analysis”, Алгебра и анализ, 34:3 (2022), 51–92; St. Petersburg Math. J., 34:3 (2023), 347–377
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https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/aa1809 https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/aa/v34/i3/p51