Commutators of relative and unrelative elementary unitary groups
N. Vavilova, Z. Zhangb a Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
b Department of Mathematics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
In the present paper, which is an outgrowth of our joint work with Anthony Bak and Roozbeh Hazrat on unitary commutator calculus [9, 27, 30, 31], we find generators of the mixed commutator subgroups of relative elementary groups and obtain unrelativized versions of commutator formulas in the setting of Bak's unitary groups. It is a direct sequel of our papers [71, 76, 78, 79] and [77, 80], where similar results were obtained for $\mathrm{GL}(n,R)$ and for Chevalley groups over a commutative ring with 1, respectively. Namely, let $(A,\Lambda)$ be any form ring and let $n\ge 3$. We consider Bak's hyperbolic unitary group $\mathrm{GU}(2n,A,\Lambda)$. Further, let $(I,\Gamma)$ be a form ideal of $(A,\Lambda)$. One can associate with the ideal $(I,\Gamma)$ the corresponding true elementary subgroup $\mathrm{FU}(2n,I,\Gamma)$ and the relative elementary subgroup $\mathrm{EU}(2n,I,\Gamma)$ of $\mathrm{GU}(2n,A,\Lambda)$. Let $(J,\Delta)$ be another form ideal of $(A,\Lambda)$. In the present paper we prove an unexpected result that the nonobvious type of generators for $\big[\mathrm{EU}(2n,I,\Gamma),\mathrm{EU}(2n,J,\Delta)\big]$, as constructed in our previous papers with Hazrat, are redundant and can be expressed as products of the obvious generators, the elementary conjugates $Z_{ij}(\xi,c)=T_{ji}(c)T_{ij}(\xi)T_{ji}(-c)$, and the elementary commutators $Y_{ij}(a,b)=[T_{ij}(a),T_{ji}(b)]$, where $a\in(I,\Gamma)$, $b\in(J,\Gamma)$, $c\in(A,\Delta)$, and $\xi \in (I,\Gamma)\circ(J,\Delta )$. It follows that $\big[\mathrm{FU}(2n,I,\Gamma),\mathrm{FU}(2n,J,\Delta)\big]= \big[\mathrm{EU}(2n,I,\Gamma),\mathrm{EU}(2n,J,\Delta)\big]$. In fact, we establish much more precise generation results. In particular, even the elementary commutators $Y_{ij}(a,b)$ should be taken for one long root position and one short root position. Moreover, the $Y_{ij}(a,b)$ are central modulo $\mathrm{EU}(2n,(I,\Gamma)\circ(J,\Gamma))$ and behave as symbols. This allows us to generalize and unify many previous results, including the multiple elementary commutator formula, and dramatically simplify their proofs.
Ключевые слова:
Bak's unitary groups, elementary subgroups, congruence subgroups, standard commutator formula, unrelativized commutator formula, elementary generators, multiple commutator formula.
Поступила в редакцию: 17.03.2021
Образец цитирования:
N. Vavilov, Z. Zhang, “Commutators of relative and unrelative elementary unitary groups”, Алгебра и анализ, 34:1 (2022), 61–104; St. Petersburg Math. J., 34:1 (2023), 45–77
Образцы ссылок на эту страницу:
https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/aa1796 https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/aa/v34/i1/p61
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