53 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/zvmmf98
М. О. Корпусов, А. Ю. Перлов, А. В. Тимошенко, Р. С. Шафир, “О разрушении решения одной нелинейной системы уравнений тепло-электрической модели”, Матем. заметки, 114:5 (2023), 759–772 ; M. O. Korpusov, A. Yu. Perlov, A. V. Tymoshenko, R. S. Shafir, “On the Blow-Up of the Solution of a Nonlinear System of Equations of a Thermal-Electrical Model”, Math. Notes, 114:5 (2023), 850–861
Rubén Garralon-López, Francisco Rus, Francisco R. Villatoro, “Robustness of the absolute Rosenau–Hyman|K|(p,p)equation with non-integerp”, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 169 (2023), 113216
Tareq Eriqat, Moa'ath N. Oqielat, Zeyad Al-Zhour, Ahmad El-Ajou, Ahmad Sami Bataineh, “Revisited Fisher's equation and logistic system model: a new fractional approach and some modifications”, Int. J. Dynam. Control, 11:2 (2023), 555
Rubén Garralón-López, Francisco Rus, Francisco R. Villatoro, “Compacton–anticompacton collisions in the Rosenau–Hyman K(p,p) equation by numerical simulations with hyperviscosity”, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 117 (2023), 106927
Rubén Garralón-López, Francisco Rus, Francisco R. Villatoro, “Compacton-Anticompacton Collisions in the Rosenau–Hyman K(P,P) Equation”, SSRN Journal, 2022
R.L. Argun, V.T. Volkov, D.V. Lukyanenko, “Numerical simulation of front dynamics in a nonlinear singularly perturbed reaction–diffusion problem”, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 412 (2022), 114294
Argun R. Gorbachev A. Lukyanenko D. Shishlenin M., “On Some Features of the Numerical Solving of Coefficient Inverse Problems For An Equation of the Reaction-Diffusion-Advection-Type With Data on the Position of a Reaction Front”, Mathematics, 9:22 (2021), 2894
El-Ajou A., “Adapting the Laplace Transform to Create Solitary Solutions For the Nonlinear Time-Fractional Dispersive Pdes Via a New Approach”, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 136:2 (2021), 229
И. И. Колотов, А. А. Панин, “О непродолжаемых решениях и разрушении решений псевдопараболических
уравнений с коэрцитивной и знакопостоянной нелинейностями: аналитическое
и численное исследование”, Матем. заметки, 105:5 (2019), 708–723 ; I. I. Kolotov, A. A. Panin, “On Nonextendable Solutions and Blow-Ups of Solutions of Pseudoparabolic Equations with Coercive and Constant-Sign Nonlinearities: Analytical and Numerical Study”, Math. Notes, 105:5 (2019), 694–706
El-Ajou A., Oqielat Moa'ath N., Al-Zhour Z., Kumar S., Momani Sh., “Solitary Solutions For Time-Fractional Nonlinear Dispersive Pdes in the Sense of Conformable Fractional Derivative”, Chaos, 29:9 (2019), 093102