8 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/zvmmf853
Kungurtsev V., Kozma A., Diehl M., “Linear Convergence of Distributed Multiple Shooting”, 2014 European Control Conference (Ecc), IEEE, 2014, 2874–2879
Izmailov A.F., Solodov M.V., “Mathematical Programs with Vanishing Constraints: Optimality Conditions, Sensitivity, and a Relaxation Method”, J Optim Theory Appl, 142:3 (2009), 501–532
Arutyunov A.K., Izmailov A.F., “Directional stability theorem and directional metric regularity”, Math Oper Res, 31:3 (2006), 526–543
Marinkovic B., “Sensitivity analysis for discrete optimal control problems”, Math Methods Oper Res, 63:3 (2006), 513–524
Arutyunov A.V., Izmailov A.F., “Sensitivity analysis for cone-constrained optimization problems under the relaxed constraint qualifications”, Math Oper Res, 30:2 (2005), 333–353
Е. Р. Аваков, А. В. Арутюнов, А. Ф. Измаилов, “Об оценках скорости сходимости методов степенного штрафа”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 44:10 (2004), 1770–1781 ; E. R. Avakov, A. V. Arutyunov, A. F. Izmailov, “On convergence rate estimates for power penalty methods”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 44:10 (2004), 1684–1695
А. Ф. Измаилов, “Задачи оптимизации с комплементарными ограничениями: регулярность, условия оптимальности и чувствительность”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 44:7 (2004), 1209–1228 ; A. F. Izmailov, “Optimization problems with complementary constraints: regularity, optimality conditions and sensibility”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 44:7 (2004), 1145–1164
Arutyunov A.V., Izmailov A.F., “Abnormal equality-constrained optimization problems: sensitivity theory”, Math Program, 100:3 (2004), 485–515