5 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/zvmmf10385
  1. Daniela Lera, Maria Chiara Nasso, Mikhail Posypkin, Yaroslav D. Sergeyev, “Determining solution set of nonlinear inequalities using space-filling curves for finding working spaces of planar robots”, J Glob Optim, 2024  crossref
  2. D. Lera, M. Posypkin, Ya. D. Sergeyev, “Space-filling curves for numerical approximation and visualization of solutions to systems of nonlinear inequalities with applications in robotics”, Appl. Math. Comput., 390 (2021), 125660  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
  3. L. A. Rybak, E. V. Gaponenko, D. I. Malyshev, Mechanisms and Machine Science, 73, Advances in Mechanism and Machine Science, 2019, 741  crossref
  4. Yu. Evtushenko, M. Posypkin, L. Rybak, A. Turkin, “Approximating a solution set of nonlinear inequalities”, J. Glob. Optim., 71:1, SI (2018), 129–145  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
  5. Ю. Г. Евтушенко, М. А. Посыпкин, Л. А. Рыбак, А. В. Туркин, “Отыскание множеств решений систем нелинейных неравенств”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 57:8 (2017), 1248–1254  mathnet  crossref  elib; Yu. G. Evtushenko, M. A. Posypkin, L. A. Rybak, A. V. Turkin, “Finding sets of solutions to systems of nonlinear inequalities”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 57:8 (2017), 1241–1247  crossref  isi