6 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/zvmmf10207
Н. Б. Енгибарян, “О сочетании интегралов Лебега и Римана в теории уравнений свертки”, ТМФ, 218:1 (2024), 80–87 ; N. B. Engibaryan, “On the combination of Lebesgue and Riemann integrals in theory of convolution equations”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 218:1 (2024), 68–74
Nahdh S. M. Al-Saif, Mahmood A. Shamran, Saad N.Al-Azzawi, PROCEEDING OF THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED RESEARCH IN PURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE (ICARPAS2021): Third Annual Conference of Al-Muthanna University/College of Science, 2398, PROCEEDING OF THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED RESEARCH IN PURE AND APPLIED SCIENCE (ICARPAS2021): Third Annual Conference of Al-Muthanna University/College of Science, 2022, 060072
А. Г. Барсегян, “О приближенном решении интегрального уравнения Диксона и его некоторых обобщений”, Ж. вычисл. матем. и матем. физ., 57:7 (2017), 1161–1169 ; A. G. Barseghyan, “On approximate solution of the Dixon integral equation and some its generalizations”, Comput. Math. Math. Phys., 57:7 (2017), 1158–1166
N. B. Engibaryan, “The resolvent relation of Sobolev for vector integral transfer equations in a half-space”, Astron. Rep., 61:7 (2017), 624–630
B. N. Yengibaryan, N. B. Yengibaryan, “On a transformation of integral equations”, J. Contemp. Math. Anal.-Armen. Aca., 52:6 (2017), 288–294
А. Г. Барсегян, “О решении уравнения свертки с суммарно-разностным ядром”, Вестн. Сам. гос. техн. ун-та. Сер. Физ.-мат. науки, 19:4 (2015), 613–623