63 citations to https://www.mathnet.ru/rus/znsl840
Fang W., “a Generalization of the Quadrangulation Relation To Constellations and Hypermaps”, J. Comb. Theory Ser. A, 127 (2014), 1–21
Khovanov M., “Heisenberg Algebra and a Graphical Calculus”, Fundam. Math., 225 (2014), 169–210
Karl Wimmer, 2014 IEEE 29th Conference on Computational Complexity (CCC), 2014, 120
J. B. Lewis, V. Reiner, D. Stanton, “Reflection factorizations of Singer cycles”, J Algebr Comb, 40:3 (2014), 663
Fabio Scarabotti, Filippo Tolli, “Fourier analysis of subgroup conjugacy invariant functions on finite groups”, Monatsh Math, 170:3-4 (2013), 465
E. Mukhin*, V. Tarasov**, A. Varchenko**, “Bethe subalgebras of the group algebra of the symmetric group”, Transformation Groups, 18:3 (2013), 767
John Enyang, “Jucys–Murphy elements and a presentation for partition algebras”, J Algebr Comb, 37:3 (2013), 401
De Comarmond V., Koch Robert de Mello, Jefferies K., “Surprisingly simple spectra”, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011, no. 2, 006
Koch Robert de Mello, Dessein M., Giataganas D., Mathwin Ch., “Giant graviton oscillators”, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2011, no. 10, 009
Charles F. Dunkl, Jean-Gabriel Luque, “Vector-Valued Jack Polynomials from Scratch”, SIGMA, 7 (2011), 026, 48 pp.